Sunday, December 11, 2005


POWERLINE has another post on the renegades at the CIA, and links to MSM columnist JACK KELLY who writes on the issue:

... the CIA hasn't been very good at ferreting out the secrets of our enemies, or keeping our own, it has shown a talent for playing politics."The CIA's war against the Bush administration is one of the great untold stories of the past three years," wrote lawyer and Web logger John Hinderaker in The Weekly Standard. The CIA has used its budget to fund criticism of the Bush administration by former Democratic officeholders, and permitted a serving analyst, Michael Scheuer, to publish and promote a book bashing the president. The principal CIA weapon has been the leak.

Reporters for ABC, The New York Times and The Washington Post didn't have to do even the minimal legwork Mr. Laurin did to out the CIA's clandestine "rendition" program. It was handed to them by "current and former intelligence officials." "So the CIA established policies that it knew would be controversial and would damage American interests if revealed, and then leaked the existence of those policies to The Washington Post for the purpose of damaging the Bush administration," Mr. Hinderaker wrote.

A rogue CIA that subverts American democracy has long been a staple of moonbat mythology. How ironic that the rogues in the CIA should turn out to be leftists who harm America to benefit Democrats.

Maybe they aren't MERELY ideologically motivated, or Dem/Left partisans who hate Bush? Maybe they aren't merely Arabists and anti-Semites - like Joe Wilson and Marc Sheuer. Maybe they're PAID SPIES/MOLES of the enemy?

IMPOSSIBLE? Sheesh: during the Cold War the USSR bought the Chiefs of the FBI and CIA counter-espionage units (Hannsen and Ames, respectively). THE EFFIN' CHIEFS! AND THEY BOUGHT THEM FOR PEANUTS!! (And Ames and Hannsen OPERATED FOR YEARS RIGHT UNDER THE NOSES OF THEIR BOSSES! So I DO NOT trust the CIA and FBI to adequately police themselves. Anyone who does is foolish.)

Our current enemies have more money than the Soviet Union did. (A previous post on this - by me, from July 2005 - HERE.)

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