Wednesday, December 14, 2005


BBC: Homicide rate hits 10-year high -
Knives Scotland's homicide rate for 2004-05 was the highest in almost a decade, according to newly released figures. There were 137 victims of homicides in Scotland, 29 more than in 2003-04, and the highest annual total since 1995-96. In almost three-quarters of the cases, the main accused was known to the victim. Justice Minister Cathy Jamieson said a strategy to tackle the "cultural acceptance" of violent behaviour would be rolled out next year. The local authority area with the highest annual homicide rate was Glasgow with 55 victims per million population, more than double the national rate. The figures included murder and culpable homicide and excluded death by dangerous driving. As in previous years, the use of a sharp instrument was the most common method of killing in 2004-05, accounting for 72 victims.
The UK banned gun-ownership, and as a result crime - including violent crime - has NOT decreased, BUT INCREASED. WHY SHOULD IT BE SO!? THE CROOKS KNOW THEIR TARGETS ARE DISARMED! Sheesh. The Left will now probably argue that the UK needs "sharp instrument" control. What they should REALLY advocate is arming the citizenry: Armed self-defense is the best way to avoid being a target of violent crime.

1 comment:

  1. Actually the British Medical Journal has already published a guest-editorial advocating that all kitchen knives in Great Britain have blunt ends, and that the sale and eventually possession of sharp-pointed kitchen knives be banned.
