Thursday, December 08, 2005


BBC: "A suicide attacker has detonated a bomb on a bus in Baghdad, killing at least 30 people, Iraqi police said. The vehicle was leaving al-Nahda bus station heading south for the Shia town of Nasiriya when the attack occurred. Witnesses said the bus was gutted and left in flames by the explosion. Another 25 people are reported injured."

The jihadoterrorists who strap bombs on their own bodies to turn themselves into "guided missiles" to be aimed at civilians in Iraq are NO DIFFERENT than the ones who do the same type of thing in Israel - or Thailand or India or the Phillipines, or London, or Bali, or Bangladesh, or Russia, or Jordan. And so on. These evil genocidal maniacs must be wiped off the face of the earth. There is no negotiating with them, and there will NEVER be any formal surrender on their part. Appeasing them on any front - like Israel - will only incentivize them to ramp up their attacks on all fronts.

More HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.

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