Friday, November 18, 2005


... Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, also threatened to kill Jordan's King Abdullah II and bomb more hotels and tourist sites. "Your star is fading. You will not escape your fate, you descendant of traitors. We will be able to reach your head and chop it off," al- Zarqawi said, referring to the king. Al-Zarqawi told Jordanians to stay away from bases used by U.S. forces in Jordan; hotels and tourist sites in Amman, the Dead Sea and the southern resort of Aqaba; and embassies of governments participating in the war in Iraq - saying those areas would be targeted.
I predicted on September 25th that this would happen. There are additional signs that my other predictions in that same post are playing out as I said they would:

These three events - along with Amahdi Nejad's blatant war cry against Israel - should convince EVERYONE that the Axis of Evil and their jihadoterrorist comrades are not going to go down without a fight (if they can help it!) and that this fight will be one they will attempt to wage in Israel and the occupied territories, Lebanon, and Jordan.

This is an attempt by them to divert our attention from them, and to stretch our resources and to enable them to recruit more jihadoterrorists. The more heat we apply to them - on all fronts: military and diplomatic - the more desperate they will become and the more terror attacks will be attempted in the areas I mentioned.

Our counter-attack will be multi-faceted: increased pre-emptive attacks by military and police forces arresting and assasinating as many jihadioterrorists as we can BEFORE they strike; and aggressively pushing back the infiltration of jihadoterrorists into Iraq from Iran and Syria; and cranking up the multi-lateral diplomatic pressure on Iran and Syria through the UN.

The most critical dates/mileposts in all this are: the Iraqi election on 12/15; and then the period between Christmas and the SOTU, when the enemy will make EVERY attempt to hit us hard EVERYWHERE AND ANYWHERE THEY CAN.


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    You didn't mention that zarqawi also tried to apologize for the murder of the innocents in the weeding party...he claims Israeli/US intelligence operatives were the target...
    But I thought suicide bombers were the ultimate smart bomb...and the woman whose bomb belt did not explode even said " we stood on both sides of the wedding hall..."
    I dont believe these criminals could not see the difference between a meeting of intelligence officers and a wedding party...and these terrorists are plain old murderous criminal scum...

    Hey GWB you wimp -dont back down now!

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    You didn't mention that Ariel Sharon evacuated the Jews out of Gaza so the Israelis wouldn't fear to be injuring them when all out war breaks out. This time the Israelis will defeat the terrorists and force them to sue for peace in unconditional surrender without fear that the US will call them off and without having to care what the EU and the UN has to say. This was the plan all along, I believe.

  3. i agree HL: the gaza withdrawal WAS a PREEMPTIVE defensive move - with great diplomatic benefits.

    to stop the iran/syria/zaqrqawi plan we must act preemptively.

    nother thing: to me what's so weird about lefties criticizing the current iraq war is that it seems to indiocate that they think if we weren;'t there, that these jihadis would be home playing parcheezey!

    you know: it's the flypaper strategy: we fight them there so we don;t have to fight them here.

    i cannot think of better place to fight them then IRAQ. better than israel/Holy Land or afghanistan or pakistan or Saudiland or annywhere.

    the jihadis are trying to move the battlefield to ISRAEL: they want to wipe out israsel and they think this could rally their "troops."

    thanks for reading and commenting.
