Sunday, November 27, 2005

WAKE UP CALL FOR PUTIN: Iran is training Chechen Jihadoterrorists

UK TELEGRAPH (hat tip Jihad Watch):
Iran is secretly training Chechen rebels in sophisticated terror techniques to enable them to carry out more effective attacks against Russian forces, the Sunday Telegraph can reveal. Teams of Chechen fighters are being trained at the Revolutionary Guards' Imam Ali training camp, located close to Tajrish Square in Teheran, according to Western intelligence reports.

In addition to receiving training in the latest terror techniques, the Chechen volunteers undergo ideological and political instruction by hardline Iranian mullahs at Qom. The disclosure that Iran is training Chechen rebels will not go down well in Moscow, which regards itself as a close ally of the Iranian regime. Russia has sided with Iran in the diplomatic stand-off over Teheran's controversial nuclear programme.
YO, POOTY-TOOT: It's long-passed time to wake up and smell the Jihad! Time to stop coddling Iran!

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