Monday, November 21, 2005


"John F. Kerry will be our President, God willing..." - Kurt Vonnegut 2004.

In discussing his views with The Weekend Australian, Vonnegut said it was "sweet and honourable" to die for what you believe in, and rejected the idea that terrorists were motivated by twisted religious beliefs.

"They are dying for their own self-respect," he said. "It's a terrible thing to deprive someone of their self-respect. It's like your culture is nothing, your race is nothing, you're nothing." . . . Vonnegut suggested suicide bombers must feel an "amazing high." He said: "You would know death is going to be painless, so the anticipation--it must be an amazing high." The paper describes Vonnegut as a "peace activist" ...
As the wise man once said: "They're not anti-war; they're on the other side." Vonnegut, Kerry and the Left on the other side. Since the Vietnam War. AKA: the anti-victory crowd.

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