Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Truck and Barter has the goods on Murtha's lies (via ECONOPUNDIT):
John Murtha is missleading the public about the war --

The top Democrat on the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee, and decorated war veteran, John Murtha is demanding US withdraw from Iraq within 6 months.

Murtha voted for the war, but quickly turned defeatist. Already in midd 2004 he described the Iraq war as “unwinnable”. Certainly he is entitled to his view. What is unacceptable is giving the public a false impression about the millitaries situation in Iraq war by biased or incurrect data. He writes in USAToday:

“unemployment remains at 60% and insurgent incidents have increased from 150 to more than 700 per week. Average monthly death rates of U.S. service members have grown since the Abu Ghraib prison scandal from one per day to almost four.”
T&B HAS DETAILED THE TRUTH - AND THE TRUTH HAS LINKS! Unemployment is less than half of what Murtha claimed, and so is the US casualty rate - which is DECLINING NOT RISING! RTWT!

Murtha: you are entitled to your own opinion, but NOT your own facts! (I suspect that Murtha is not a tin-foil hat-wearing LOON, and that he KNOWS the truth and is LYING.)

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