Tuesday, November 15, 2005


BBC: "Spain is launching an investigation into claims that CIA planes carrying terror suspects made secret stopovers on Spanish soil. Interior Minister Jose Antonio Alonso made the announcement on Spanish television on Tuesday. He said that if proven, such activities could damage relations between the Spanish and US governments. According to Spanish press reports, the CIA is suspected of having used Majorca for such prisoner transfers."

This is another example of how this leak - by the WASHPOST/Dana Priest (seemingly YET ANOTHER CIA LEAK AIMED AT HURTING BUSH) - is more serious than the Plamegate leak. ADDED IRONY: rendition was begun during the Clinton adminstration! And NO ONE complained then! IS THERE A DOUBLE STANDARD! Damn right! The Dem/Left/MSM attacks Bush for doing things that they praised Clinton for doing. LIKE: "preemptive war;" they attack Bush for this, AS IF WE WERE ATTACKED BY MILOSEVIC!?! Sheesh. And Clinton didn't even bother to get Congressional authority before attacking Serbia!

Now, they attack Bush for rendition. SHEESH! BONUS IRONY: arch Bush critic and anti-Semite Michael Scheuer (who was in charge of the Binladen Desk at the CIA before and during 9/11 - (NICE JOB SCHMUCK! You proved you're as worthless as former CIA count-terror chief Larry Johnson, who wrote an OP-ED in July 2001 stating that jihadoterrorism was OVER-RATED!) - well, Scheuer has written that RENDITION IS THE SINGLE BEST, MOST EFFECTIVE TOOL THE CIA HAS TO FIGHT TERROR. Here's what he says about the leak about the prisons:
"The exposure of such, either firms or aircraft, just undoes years of cover building and makes America weaker," said Michael Scheuer, a former CIA officer who once led the agency's hunt for al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden.

REPEAT: This news about Spain's SOCIALISTS THREATENING/ATTACKING THE USA's POLICY, proves that this leak is being exploited by our enemies: the Left and the jihadoterrorists.

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