Friday, November 11, 2005


You say: "Things aren't really so bad." WHICH IS EXACTLY what two of my Parisian friends (Lefties) said. They are not alone; most of the French media have STOPPED reporting the riots. SO HAS THE AMERICAN MSM. When the truth doesn't fit their story-template, they just don't report the truth! Truth HERE and HERE. EXCERPTS:
463 vehicles burned, 201 arrests, 7 police injured, and 8 police suspended for doing their job. In Lyon, 4 police were hurt by thrown rocks. Violence in the greater Paris area ticked up a bit. 12,000 police are being kept on duty through the weekend (including the holiday of 11 November). Calls to riot continue to circulate via SMS, blogs, and Internet bulletin boards.
And this:
Overnight, a 15th consecutive night of violence saw fewer skirmishes and fewer cars burned - 463, down from 482 the previous night, police said. “We have seen a continued drop beyond Paris, but persistence near the capital,” said national police spokesman Patrick Hamon. “We cannot yet claim victory, the drop remains fragile.”
MY ADVICE TO THE FRENCH: The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. THE PROBLEM: Denying that there is an islamofascist rebellion, and thinking that you can appease your way to safety, and believing that more welfare (you can't afford to handout!) will make the islamothugs more likely to assimilate. IT WILL NOT! PRESCRIPTION: CHIRAC AND VILLEPIN MUST RESIGN.

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