Thursday, November 24, 2005

BIRDS OF A FEATHER - PART 5: Michael Jackson and Islam

ANTI-SEMITE/PAEDOPHILE MICHAEL JACKSON AND ISLAM - PERFECT TOGETHER (tip of the hat to my commenter Gandalin; hat tip to LGF):
MANAMA — World’s top pop singer Michael Jackson, who recently settled down in Manama has donated a huge amount of money, the figure was not disclosed, for building a state-of-the-art mosque near his luxury palace in the Bahraini capital, according to his spokesman. ... It is noteworthy that Germain Jackson, the brother of Michael had embraced Islam at the beginning of 1990s, and he was one of former Jackson Five band and the solo singer Germain had felt his brother Michael has great interest and study of Islamic books, the tolerance of Islam and his dealing with Arab and Muslim personalities since long years. The most prominent among those figures is Prince Al Waleed bin Talal and the Bahraini royal family.
This is the Prince who tried to give Rudy $10MILLION for the 9/11 Fund - but Rudy (God Bless Him) refused the money because the Prince slandered the victims of 9/11 and blamed the USA for the attack. This is typical of many MANY Muslims: instead of blaming themselves, they blame others, ESPECIALLY either the USA or the JOOOOOOOZE!

Michael Jackson is right at home with this attitude:
Michael Jackson picked a familiar target to blame for his mounting money problems - the Jews. In phone messages obtained by ABC News, the apparently prejudiced pop star likens them to "leeches" and claims they conspired to leave him "penniless." "They suck...they're like leeches...I'm so tired of it," Jackson tells former adviser Dieter Wiesner in one of them. "The Jews do it on purpose." The ugly message, which was made two years ago and aired yesterday on "Good Morning America," was one of several provided by

Wiesner's lawyer, Howard King.
Wiesner and another former Jacko adviser, Marc Schaffel, were fired by the singer and are suing him to recoup the millions they say he owes them. Jackson had to apologize to Jewish groups a decade ago after he included lyrics like "Jew me/Sue me/Everybody do me/Kick me/Kike me" on the song "They Don't Care About Us."

Jackson, who relocated to Bahrain after he was acquitted of child molesting charges, did not respond to the revelations. Brian Oxman, a Jackson family attorney, insisted in a statement that the messages were actually "telephone conversations recorded without permission."
Oxman therefore VERIFIED that it WAS Michael Jackson uttering these VILE anti-Semitic remarks - remarks which are quite at home in Bahrain.

Jackson and Bahrain - filthy rich "man-boy loving" Muslims and anti-Semites; in other words: BIRDS OF A FEATHER, AND PERFECT TOGETHER. No wonder he's building a mosque there!


  1. Big, big news?

  2. It's that weird Arab thing, for centuries, they are obsessed with porking pretty boys. No wonder, all that virility in youth and young adulthood and the women are all dressed in tents. No social skills, no dating. Much easier to bugger the pretty boys. But my understanding is the buggerer is respected but the buggeree is considered weak, feminine and looked down upon. Yep, I'm sure Michael thinks it is a paradise. Surely there are a few light skinned ones for Michael to exploit.

    What a lowlife MJ has become. A freak, a disgrace. Of course, it is all due to 'oppression' and 'racism' and 'treachery of the joooze'. Muslims didn't teach him that, he already knew it.

    I can't wait for him to announce he has become a Muslim. Kinda the cherry ontop of the banana parfait.

  3. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Well, how we can accuse him of child molestation while court did not convict him?
