Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Damascus Seeks Annan’s Help in Hariri Probe (Agencies):
DAMASCUS, 23 November 2005 — Syria has asked the United Nations for help in reaching a “cooperation protocol” with the inquiry team probing the killing of Lebanon’s former Premier Rafik Hariri that will, at the same time, respect its sovereignty. Syria called on UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan yesterday to intervene and help broker the cooperation agreement.
SHOCKING. Heh. I've got two questions: (1 - sarcastic), I wonder why Assad thinks Annan might help him? Could it be that Annan once saved Saddam's ass, famously proclaiming that "Saddam is a man I can do business with." Which leads to the next question: (2 - cynical), Has anyone checked Kofi's off-shore bank accounts lately? I have a feeling he (or Kojo) MAY have recently deposited a large amount piastres from Damascus.

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