Sunday, October 02, 2005


"Reuters": "Two Palestinians killed in Gaza infighting"
GAZA, Oct 2 (Reuters) - Two Palestinians were killed on Sunday in the worst outbreak of factional fighting in Gaza since Israel's withdrawal from the territory last month, medics said. Medics said a local police commander and a civilian had died in gunbattles between Palestinian police and Hamas gunmen in the vicinity of Gaza City. More than 40 people had been wounded, they said, among them three policemen. Police and militants each accused the other of sparking the confrontation, which spread to two strongholds of the Hamas Islamic militant group in and near Gaza City. Police sources said the policeman had been killed when militants fired rocket-propelled grenades and tried to storm a police station in the Shati refugee camp.
Don't you love how "Reuters" calls it "infighting!" I think they used that word in order to try to diminish the brutality of GAZAN CIVIL WAR, but MAYBE just MAYBE, this time REUTERS IS RIGHT: after all - unlike in Iraq, where Sunni jihadofascists are killing Shia democrats - IN GAZA, IT IS ONE JIHADIST GROUP KILLING JIHADISTS FROM ANOTHER JIHADIST GROUP (HAMAS versus FATAH). And in this sense, IT IS INFIGHTING.

As Kissinger said about the Iran-Iraq War: "TOO BAD BOTH SIDES CAN'T LOSE!" Ditto Gaza. (More HERE.)

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