Thursday, September 22, 2005


I was news-surfing ther MSM last night and I saw several reports abput the Sheehan march in DC. Sheehan had ONLY 29-30 people. YET, the MSM coverage of the event RARELY mentioned that FACT (amazingly "Reuters" did!), and all of them had their camera's in-close on her (or "TIGHT") so that the VISUALS made it SEEM like she had a bigger crowd than she really did IN FACT. This rank distortion by most of the MSM is nothing more than them doing anti-Bush/anti-war propaganda. The closest any part of the MSM coverage I saw came to reporting the truth was when one TV reporter mentioned that Sheehan expected bigger crowds for a protest scheduled for Saturday; it seemd to me the reporter was not reporting but wishing! Sheesh. (Check out the breadth of bad-reporting / "Sheehan-boosting" for yourself, HERE.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    The media is extremely bias I'll agree, but not to the left wing agenda, if it were, then all you'd hear was anti war propaganda every where you looked, and believe me George W. Bush would not be President if it were, because when the entire media has an agenda, it gets done, there’s no way around that, the Media is the ultimate instrument of mass psychology.


    The Media is Bias towards what ever will get them ratings, and Cindy Sheehan gets a lot of attention so therefore they're naturally going to cover her more so they make more money.

    Further more You fail to realize the media isn't just the 24 hour cable news networks, It is a much larger entity than that that includes ALL of television, ALL of the radio, news papers, magazines, the Internet, etc... Much of which has a rightwing bias as well as a leftwing bias, some try to milk ratings out of having debates about the issues, and what ever which way they want to spin the issues. Often times left, I'll agree, but often times right as well.

    Of course the media will never cover what’s truly important, only B.S like Terri Shrivo or Cindy Sheehan, like I said before, what ever makes them money
