Monday, September 12, 2005


I believe in the 1st Amendment, and the NYTIMES - like EVERY other Left-wing dominated outlet in the MSM - is entitled to print whatever "Bush Derangement Syndrome" infected lies and distortions they want, whenever they want. And they should expect and accept the criticism that some readers of their ideologically infected rag , for THAT is also FREE SPEECH.

HERE'S MY CRITIQUE: By putting OBL on the cover on the 4th anniversary of 9/11 , the NYTIMES exposes itself for what it is, and reveals its STUNNING lack of sympathy to the families of Osama's victims.

They have no shame. IMHO: This kind of stuff aids and abets the enemy, and we all know what that is called. In WW2, FDR punished people for doing what the NYTIMES does almost everyday.


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    It shows that the left just doesn't get it. The sheer insensitivity is astounding.

    Gary Aminoff

  2. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Someone sent me your link to check out your stuff. I know people on the left and right who are sensitive to people who lost friends and family in 9/11. There are things I disagree with in the NY Times but I have not run across a "stunning" lack of sympathy.

    "They have no shame." "Aids and abets the enemy."

    Insipid hyperbole.

    Unfortunately you're just another right wing idealogue. "Conservative" doesn't mean I have to like George Bush. As far as I can tell, liking Bush and hating liberals is what your politics is all about.

    You sound like someone arguing over who the greatest pitcher of all time is, without being able to step back and realize how foolish you look construing every stat you come across to support your position. Face it, you like right wingers right or wrong -- and the left pushes your buttons. Bravo for you! You have a purpose in life, though pretty irrelevant.

    The problem you right wing idealogues make for us conservatives is that you have overplayed your hand the past five years. You and the lefties have the country mesmerized in what is akin to a barroom sports fan argument. It's so silly. True conservatives are screwed.

    Americans think of Bush as being fiscally efficient. He is a disaster, though my guess is your argument against the ballooning deficit would be some knee jerk insulting simplistic denial--probably not straying too far from the intellectual rigor of your latest blog entry.

    What we fear is a far swing to the left, delaying a much needed shaking out of right wing loonies like you who need to leave the Republican party so it can move forward with fiscally sound policy while protecting the privacy and rights of the country's citizens.

    Personal and fiscal responsibility? You bet. Welfare? No way. Gay marriage, abortion? Needs to be allowed. Separation of church and state? Absolutely. There are more of us than there are of you and the left wing crazies combined. But it won't be realized until this unfortunate political divide is seen for what it is.

  3. i lost a cousin on 9/11.

    i am registered democrat (have been since 1974) who was on the Left until Reagan, Thatcher, Deng Tsao Ping, and Rao proved that the Right was right.

    My parents were card carrying commies.

    i marched with Dr. MLK Jr.

    I lived in New Orleans, and LOVE the city.

    MY POINT: you don't know JACK SHIT about me.

    yet you went ON AND ON pontificating as if you did.

    that shows EVERYONE what you're about, and who you are: a petty pompous pseudo-psychologist phony.

    ALSO: you didn't make ONE SINGLE reference to any facts that I offered or to the argument I laid out (demonstrating that the state and local authorities were to blame for the suffering at the superdome and the convention center).


    It seems to me, then, that all your comment amounts to is (a) a personal attack against me based on your fantasy of who I am (which is ALL WRONG!); and (b) DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL when it comes to the facts.

    (a) and (b) are TYPICAL of the LEFT.


  4. by the way - i have been VERY critical of many things about Bush: his rampant spending; his dovishnenss and hypoicrisy in the GWOT (he doesn't let Israel do what we do, for example - go after terrorists as we have; nor has he allowed the US military to go after Syrian/jihadist supply rotue and way-stations within Syria); and I have critiqued his immigration policy.

    you could google my blog for proof of this. which is easy to do, but you didn't bother.

    i know why: you don't wouldn't want to let the facts get in the way of your fictional narrative about who I am.

    AGAIN: typical of the Left.

  5. BTW: the deficit is NOT large by historical standards - especially since we are at war.

    but that's just a fact - something as--oles like you have no use for.

    i want a small fed government to protect mny RIGHTS as an individual.

    our deficits are too large because bush is too liberal.

  6. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Funny. I don't see any "facts" to support your statements in your blog.

    "'Bush Derangement Syndrome' infected lies and distortions..."

    Care to offer any "facts" to support this?

    "ideologically infected rag"

    I suppose this is self evident and doesn't need "facts"

    "STUNNING lack of sympathy to the families of Osama's victims"

    Why the caps? Any "facts" to back this up. How about some analysis.

    "They have no shame."

    I suppose you don't need facts here either.

    "aids and abets the enemy"

    You sound like Michael Savage here. Any "facts" to back this up? How about some reason?

    "the NYTIMES does almost everyday."

    Really. They're wrong because you don't like them?

    "i lost a cousin on 9/11"

    So what. This gives you unusual intellectual powers or something?

    "i am registered democrat (have been since 1974) who was on the Left until Reagan, Thatcher, Deng Tsao Ping, and Rao proved that the Right was right."

    Good for you.

    "My parents were card carrying commies."

    I guess that makes you an expert in all things right and left.

    "i marched with Dr. MLK Jr."

    Jeez, you've seen it all.

    "I lived in New Orleans, and LOVE the city."

    If you were president would have waited till Friday to show strong leadership?

    "MY POINT: you don't know JACK SHIT about me."

    Never said I did. Your doing that thing of making up a statement I never said and then tearing it down.

    "yet you went ON AND ON pontificating as if you did."

    Do i need to restate it? Right wing idealogues and lefties have the country mesmerized in what is akin to a barroom sports fan argument. It's so silly. True conservatives are screwed.

    "that shows EVERYONE what you're about, and who you are: a petty pompous pseudo-psychologist phony."

    Name calling. Smart.

    "ALSO: you didn't make ONE SINGLE reference to any facts that I offered or to the argument I laid out (demonstrating that the state and local authorities were to blame for the suffering at the superdome and the convention center)."

    Well, I wasn't responding to that blog, but the 9/11 OBL entry. But if you're trying to prove that the local authorities are to blame then that proves my point. No one has enough information to consclusively prove anything. People made mistakes but exactly what those mistakes were under what conditions at all levels is far from clear. You my friend, must be omniscient.


    There. I argued it. Without using caps even.

    "It seems to me, then, that all your comment amounts to is (a) a personal attack against me based on your fantasy of who I am (which is ALL WRONG!); and (b) DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL when it comes to the facts."

    Believe me, I do not fantasize about right wing nut jobs or their agitated manner of "discussing" issues.

    "(a) and (b) are TYPICAL of the LEFT."

    Seems to me to be typical of the nutjob left and nutjob right, of which appear to be a member.

    "by the way - i have been VERY critical of many things about Bush: his rampant spending; his dovishnenss and hypoicrisy in the GWOT (he doesn't let Israel do what we do, for example - go after terrorists as we have; nor has he allowed the US military to go after Syrian/jihadist supply rotue and way-stations within Syria); and I have critiqued his immigration policy."

    What, he's not far enough right?

    "you could google my blog for proof of this. which is easy to do, but you didn't bother."

    Why bother. You're giving me plenty to work with now.

    "i know why: you don't wouldn't want to let the facts get in the way of your fictional narrative about who I am."

    Which narrative, the one you invented or the other about being a right winger who's only use for data is its suitability to support your preconceived notions. The latter I stand by.

    "AGAIN: typical of the Left."

    I guess anyone who uses his brain, left or right, in your book is automatically left.

    "BTW: the deficit is NOT large by historical standards - especially since we are at war."

    Currently, the US is financing an unprecedented $700 billion annual trade deficit on an economy with negative consumer savings. (Today's Wall Street Journal). Our treasury paper is also being financed largely by the Chinese and the Japanese; that is, the investment in our monetary infrastructure is offshore. Add to that an estimated $3 trillion on top of our current national debt, which you say is not that historically large, to pay for Iraq and tax cuts (Businessweek).

    "but that's just a fact - something as--oles like you have no use for."

    There's some facts for you, attributions and all.

    "i want a small fed government to protect mny RIGHTS as an individual."

    We agree on something. Maybe there's a conservative in there somewhere.

    "our deficits are too large because bush is too liberal."

    You're so busy arguing everything in sight you forgot you earlier said our deficits weren't historically large. Hard to keep track when you're a right wing nut job, isn't it?

    But let me leave you with an argument that perhaps you can understand. Forgive me but I must stoop to sports kook mode:

    PATRIOTS RULE!!!! And any Faider wankers who thought I'd be sucking their d**ks right now can eat the sh*t out of my a*s. Corey Dillon made a mockery of your pansy-*ss defense We weren't even TRYING!!!! Ha Ha. Brady's not even half way finished in his career... I'll just LOVE steamrolling the AFC east this year, topping it off with another a*s-kicking of the DOLTS. Defense???? You call that Dolt defense GOOD?? against that SORRY Di*k-Fu*k of an offense from Baltimore. LOSERS!!! (excerpted from a Patriots' forum).

    This tone seems to be more appropriate for your blog. The arguments appears to be about as persuasive as yours.
