Tuesday, September 20, 2005


BBC: "The suicide bombers who attacked London on 7 July staged a practice run nine days before the bombings, police say. Detectives studied tens of thousands of hours of CCTV footage as part of their investigation into the attacks which killed 52 people and the bombers. CCTV images show three of the bombers entering Luton station, before travelling to King's Cross station where they are also pictured. Al-Qaeda has said for the first time the group carried out the attacks. In a videotaped message aired on Arab television station al-Jazeera, al-Qaeda deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahri said the group had the 'honour' of carrying out the attacks. Osama Bin Laden's lieutenant had previously praised the bombings and blamed them on the UK's foreign policy. "

These CCTV recordings prove that terrorists practice in the field, and this makes me believe that
the incidents which so many people COMMERICAL JET PASSENGERS complained about the last couple of years were accurate; (commercial jet passengers complained that several suspicious looking Arab men - who boarded the flight separately - subsequently looked as if they were doing reconnaissance and surreptitiously communicating with each other during the flight). BTW: I experienced one such flight - going from Cincy to NYC.


  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    That must have been horrifying.

    Would you have been ready to kill them had they actually tried anything? Were you in communication with any of the other passengers as to what to do about these guys?

  2. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Look at www.postmanpatel.blogspot.com for info on dry runs

  3. Anonymous3:47 AM

    While Annie's alleged 'dry run' made for interesting reading, one can only imagine what terror you personally experienced being in close quarters with actual Arabs.

    Your post begs the question... Do you think that racial profiling is a good idea?

  4. profiling is GOOD and NECESSARy if and only if it is based on broad and deep factors.

    using race ALONE would be veryt bad thing and very ineffective.

    it MUST include:

    national origin
    nations visited
    mosques attended
    (and even more specific facts that might be obtained by having huge/fast supercomputers trawl PUBLIC INFORMATION DATABASES. As in ABLE DANGER.

    this info would be a basis for extra scrutiny at bordsrs and on mass transit jets) in order to enable law enfoprcement people to engage in further investigation and perhaps to allow very short-term detention, perhaps - with a lawyer.

    this type of profiling would be effective. at cathcing bad-guys wihtout messing with good guys.

    and of course, when profiling is this deep and broad it is less likely to be construable as racist.

    except by leftists/appeasers.
