Monday, September 19, 2005


According to the report, the USA has given the North Koreans an underatnding that they will not attack.

Hmmmm, er ... um ... I guess this is another example of BusHitler's secret "one note" policy to promote "endless war" and his reflex to make war and his failure to use either diplomacy or multilateralism.

Yeah. Right.

This is further proof that the Bush Administration exhaustively uses all means to GET RESULTS. As it did with Assad and the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, and Qaddafy's WMD programs, the AQ Khan nuke smuggling ring, and Ukraine's orange revolution.

All achieved without the use of force. But - I would guess - that Bush's proven willingness to use force, UNILATERALLY IF NECESSARY, was a major factor in getting the bad guys to play ball. IOW: "PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH."

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