Friday, September 23, 2005

BBC: "A US court hears of Lynndie England's alleged role in the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, Iraq. "

The headline says it all about the Left: they coddle and rationalize and excuse real thugs, while saving unreserved disdain for the likes of Rumsfeld - (by calling for his resignation because of what thugs like England actually did!). In this case, England (the perverted perp virtually caught red-handed - (she's in dozens of photographs laughing in the camera as prisoners are obviously being abused) - is referred to as ONLY an "ALLEGED" criminal. Alleged. Sheesh. She's already pleaded "guilty" once. And almost all of the rest of her perverted cadre of abusers have already been convicted or pleaded gulty too! Double sheesh.

It's not unlike how the MSM has handled the Plame-leak case: (1) the MSM has already convicted Rove (and beatified Miller) - even though NO ONE knows the facts of the investigation. And (2) the MSM ignores the fact that the real bad-guy is Wilson, who not only was the first to out his wife as a covert agent (to David Corn, of The Nation) but LIED about the relation between his CIA mission and Bush's SOTU. In his infamous NYTIMES op-ed, Wilson claimed his fact-finding mission in Niger had disproved what Bush said in the SOTU, but IN FACT, what Bush said was NOT controverted by Wilson AT ALL - on two bases: (a) Wilson's actual report (according to the Senate) was actually INCONCLUSIVE; and (b) Bush's SOTU DID NOT REFER TO NIGER OR YELLOWCAKE!

What do Plame and England have in common, and what does all this prove? That the MSM's bias against the Bush Administration is as pervasive as it is subtle. In fact, it's so pervasive that the Leftists of the MSM probably aren't even aware of that it comes out in nearly everything they write and how they write it.

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