Sunday, September 11, 2005


Four years have passed since they attacked us here - and we FINALLY started to fight back. I pray that all the families of those lost on that day - and in the counter-attack we've been waging since - find more and greater strength and peace each day in the cherished memories and everlasting blessings of their lost loved ones. And: God Bless Our Troops.

Peace through Victory.


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    4 years have passed and the Bush administration has relatively little to fight back against the people who were behind 9/11.

    Instead, we attacked a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

    The planners of the WTC attack are still at large, while the body counts of American troops and innocent Iraqis continue to climb.

    I pray that more and more Americans continue to see the folly in what has been done, and that the growing discontent with the response to 9/11 manifests itself at the ballot boxes. I pray that the number of sycophants continues to dwindle as their eyes are opened to the Truth.

    God Bless both the innocent civilians and the brave troops who have been killed in this misguided venture. The former do not deserve their fate, and the latter had faith that their country would ask them to make that ultimate sacrifice only to make a safer America.

    Finally, God Bless those who were killed in the terrorist attacks 4 years and their families. While some have been distracted, there are many of us who have you in our hearts and minds and who look forward to the day that we can put all available resources towards ensuring that those responsible for the 9/11 attacks will never have the opportunity to do it again.
