Sunday, August 14, 2005


The Economist publishes a fascinating little booklet with all sorts of fascinating facts and figures about a variety of things. It's titled, "POCKET WORLD IN FIGURES", 2005 Edition; Profile Books; London; 2005.

I just got one. I found an interesting chart on page 24 - a page titled, "Men and Women." The chart I found most interesting is one of three on the page; it's called, "Most male populations." It's sub-titled, "Number of males per 100 females."

Of the thirty (30) nations on the list (being the thirty with the greatest IMBALANCE, with far more men than women - and far more than might be expected if there were no intervention - 20 of them are predominantly Muslim (or with a very large Muslim segment of the population).

The most imbalanced is (at #1) the UAE [189 males per 100 females], followed by Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia [117 males /100 females], and then non-Muslim Guam, followed by #8 Jordan, followed by non-Arab - but Muslim Brunei, Sri Lanka, Libya, and then non-Muslim Polynesian & Papua, followed by Muslim (but non-Arab) Afghanistan, followed by India (which has a very large Muslim population), and then China [where we KNOW they practice female infanticide - 106 males/100 females], then Muslim Bangladesh, non-Muslim New Caledonia, then Muslim Pakistan, Muslim and European Albania, non-Muslim Nepal, then Cote d'Ivoire (which has a significant Muslim population), and then Taiwan and Costa Rica and Fiji, then Muslim Gaza and Muslim West Bank, Muslim Iran, Muslim Malaysia, and Muslim Yemen [103 males/100 females] .

Twenty of the thirty nations with severe imbalances -- which cannot be explained by natural forces, but which are most likley the result of direct, human intervention -- are Muslim. Another indication that there is a connection between this imbalance and Islam is the fact that (according to another chart on the same page in the same booklet) of thirty (30) nations with imbalances which FAVOR women, only ONE (1) is predominantly Muslim or has a significant Muslim minority.

If there were no correlation between this imbalance and Islam then we would expect that there would be fewer Muslim nations on the chart which shows the nations with imbalances which favor men, and more on the chart which shows nations with imbalances which favor women. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that there is some relationship betweeen Islam and gender-imbalances in the national populations which favor men.

Could it be female infanticide? Or "honor killings?" Some people think so - at leasst they think that the horrific practice is very widespread. These charts lend credence to them. ALSO: this imbalance may reveal what is at the core of the current "clash of civilizations." The propensity of certain nations and cultures and religions to produce disproportionately more terrorists, and specifically the propensity for Islam to produce jihadoterrorism might be related to the fact that their culture promotes the devaluation females and femininity and subjugates women - turning them into chattel, making them the property of husbands who have many wives.

This practice tends to DEHUMANIZE HALF OF THEIR NATION, AND HALF OF EVERY HOUSEHOLD. That cannot help but create a culture conducive to non-violent dispute resolution, in general. IOW: if it's alright to murder your own daughter or sister or mother or wife, then murdering a stranger who doesn't share your form of faith is EFFING EASY!

Then again, this may NOT be a "root cause" but merely a another symptom of a culture/religion which is very effed up.

[NOTE: in Indonesia (the world's biggest Muslim nation), "honor killings" are unknown, and there is NO imbalance. This further suggests that there is a connection between the imbalance and "honor killings" in the other Muslim nations on the list.] More on "honor killings HERE. And a very clear statement from American Muslim Women who utterly condemn "honor killings" can be found HERE. Another Muslim condemns them - on Islamic grounds - HERE.

These condemnations by Muslims are very GOOD. And they point the way to positive change. But they do reveal that even many Muslims agree that THIS IS A BIG , WIDESPREAD PROBLEM - one so large that it can be measured in the populations of Muslim nations (if my deductions are correct).

I think that if-and-when the widespread practice of "honor killings" stops, that jihadoterror will stop, too. IMHO, they are co-symptomatic.

FURTHER NOTE: There are 61 nations in the world with significant Muslim populations, and MOST of them do not have gender-imbalances in their populations, or a history of "honor killings" - or even an obvious propensity to produce jihadoterrorists, (at least not yet).

SO, there is NOT an inextricable link between Islam and either "honor killings" or jihadoterror. Which gives me reason to believe that this horrific practice can be wiped out without necessitating the wipe out of all of Islam, and that gives me cause for hope of a WIN-WIN victory in WW4, too. We will rid the world of jihadoterror when the religion of Islam rids itself of its fanatics.

I believe that unless-and-until the practice of "honor killing" is wiped out, we will be a world at war with fanatical Islam. When Islam can get itself free of this horrific practice, then it will have demonstrated the capability to reign in it's fanatical terrorists, too. We shall see. Up until now, I am NOT seeing nearly enough condemnation by Muslims of either "honor killings" or terror. So, we shall see. We shall wait and see. And while we're waiting, we have got to defend ourselves with everything we've got!]


UPDATE: the UN has taken very critical positions on gender-imbalance in CHINA and VIETNAM, but not in the Muslim nations listed above. This reveals that there is (a) consensus on the general issue -- that the statistics DO indicate an underlying social problem which can lead to other serious negative social conditions -- but also that (b) there is a pervasive bias at the UN which skews its efforts and diminishes its potential positive impact. [ASIDE: I GOOGLED a few variants of several keywords in the above essay, and found that there is MUCH written on China's population imbalance but very VERY little written about the much MUCH WORSE IMBALANCES which occur in Muslim nations. So, the propensity to ignore this issue goes well beyond the UN. It may reflect PC attitudes or FEAR of retribuition at the hands of the jihadoterrorists for "daring" to criticize Muslim nations.]


  1. Anonymous2:21 AM

    i figure what this means is that, in each of these muzzie countries, muzzies are murdering tens of thousnads of their own women - every year!

    sort of like they're committing genocide against themselves.

    and perpetuating a murderous culture of death. or a deadly culture of murder. the boys grow up learning that murder is okay - honorable, even.

    even when you murder people in your own family.

    no wonder they can so easily commit terror against non-family-members!

  2. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Interesting, but where did your source get their data. One possibility is that females simply aren't counted in some societies. If, especially, girl children are seen to have no value, when asked about the number of people in a family, girl children may not be included. I'd be interested in the data collection.


  3. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Here a link that shows world sex ratios:

    If you click on a link for the individual countries, you can see the population figures by age group. The ratio that you are talking about is for the 15-64 age group. The reason those countries in the middle east have such a high ratio for that age group is that they have so many foreign workers who are mostly male.


  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Some of the smaller, oil-rich Moslem countries have large numbers of male guest workers. The balance would be tipped toward males if they are counted in the census.

  5. the oil rich countries have high unemployement and many male "guest workers" but this cannot explain the divergence from a 50-50 ratio.

    gaza/west bank, and jordan, and bangladesh and albania and afghnaistan and coted'ivoire and yemen and malaysia do not have oil or large "male guest worker" sub groups.

    So the ONLY repeat ONLY ONLY ONLY factor which cuts across all distinctions is MUSLIMNESS.

    Do not go into "PC denial."


    Islam has a problem with females.

    Many Muslims have pointed this out.

    these population figures COINFIRM IT!

  6. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Um, facts?

    If you go to that page and do some math, you will see the average under 15 ratio of those countries you list is the same as the United States.

    Meaning they are no different.

    For the 15-64 years their ratios stay about the same, while the US goes from 1.05 to 1.00.

    So it looks like the dead white males are helping the US kick their muslim ass.

    If we can get the 15-64 ratio down to .95, we can really show them how to treat women.


  7. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Another factor to consider is the social effects of polygamy. If, say, the "average" married man has two wives, that means that (roughly) half the men have no wives... and if the male/female ratio is that unbalanced in addition... is it any wonder things are unstable?

  8. chris -

    there are MANY countries which have MORE WOMEN THAN MEN because in MOST COUNTRIES women live longer, and in many countries men die very young (like russia).

    countries which have populations with gender imbalances have them for a reason.

    and small divergences have large effects when played out over large populkations - so that a difference of 5/100 can mean a severe shortage of women which can lead to severe social unrest- and some of my links in my post describe this historically.

    do you doubt that "honor killings" - (which almost ALWAYS target women and almost always are perpetrated by MALE family members against female family members) - ocuur, chris?

    chris: do you think a culture which condones murdering ones own family members can ever be one that will respect the lives of "infidels"?! "infidels" who might also be muslims (but from another sect, as in the shia/sunni split or the jihad against sufis).

    chris: there is some overlap between this list (of overly male countires) with countries which are very young (becuase people die young, and becasue they have high birth rates). but it is NOT the same list. young countires are alomosy all in africa and most are non- majority muslim.

    i suggest you use occam's razor and accept the fact that the list of nations with overly male populations is overwhelmingly muslim (and not just arab nations, or oil rich nations) has significance.

    especially when one considers that much JUSTFIABLE criticism has been leveled at china (and taiwan and vietnam and korea) for permitting practices which lead to fewer females. the same criticism should be leveled at the muslim nations on this list.

    these natons treat women as chattel. afghanistan - under the taliban - didn't let women see doctors. do you think that had NO EFFECT on the health/longevity of women in that country!?!?

    "honor killings" is the ULTIMATE expression of the awful sexism.

    this awhful sexism is the resaon that there is gender imbalance in the muslim nations on the list. IMHO.

    thanks for reading and commenting.

  9. also, chris: on my page 24 the USA is NOT listed under any category.

    i do not know where you came up with your figure for the USA.

    and i repeat: only one majority muslim nation (or nation with a significant muslim population) is on the loist of nations with mostlyu FEMALE population..

    i think this buttresses my argument.

    BTW: in the entire world, "honor killings" is ONLY practiced by muslims.

    it is a practice which should be wiped out.

    wiping it out - and wiping out the sexist murdering ideology which condones it will lead to the end of WW4 (GWOT).

    i belive that one day all of islam will rise above this twisted practice. as the muslims i linked to say.

  10. Anonymous10:22 PM


    I don't have your book, so I can't comment what's on its pages. The website from my first comment lists statistics for each country in the world. The source is the 2005 CIA Factbook.

    This is the top 20 male/female ratios of populations under 15:

    1. China 1.13 male(s)/female
    2. Georgia 1.12 male(s)/female
    3. Armenia 1.11 male(s)/female
    4. Korea, South 1.11 male(s)/female
    5. Hong Kong 1.1 male(s)/female
    6. Andorra 1.1 male(s)/female
    7. Albania 1.1 male(s)/female
    8. Northern Mariana Islands 1.09 male(s)/female
    9. Taiwan 1.09 male(s)/female
    10. Portugal 1.09 male(s)/female
    11. Switzerland 1.08 male(s)/female
    12. Serbia and Montenegro 1.08 male(s)/female
    13. Vietnam 1.08 male(s)/female
    14. Bhutan 1.08 male(s)/female
    15. American Samoa 1.08 male(s)/female
    16. San Marino 1.07 male(s)/female
    17. Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of 1.07 male(s)/female
    18. Jersey 1.07 male(s)/female
    19. Nepal 1.07 male(s)/female
    20. Tunisia 1.07 male(s)/female

    74. United States 1.05 male(s)/female
    85. Afghanistan 1.05 male(s)/female
    101. Qatar 1.04 male(s)/female
    123. Jordan 1.04 male(s)/female

    This seems to be an apple and oranges argument because you are only talking about the ratio of the total population.

    The criticism of the asian countries is because they pursue selective abortion to get more male children, reflected in the above list.

    The muslim countries have ratios in line with the United States, when looking at the children population. So they are not aborting females, unless the United States is too.

    The adult male/female ratio (compared to the children population) of the oil rich muslim countries is dramatically higher because of the male foreign workers in their country.

    The adult male/female ratio of the poor muslim countries (like Egypt and Afghanistan), comparing children and adults, drops like in the US.

    Their smaller drop is because women there live slightly longer than men, whereas in the US the women live much longer.

    If they are murdering a huge amount of women, the CIA doesn't seem to be picking it up in the life expectancy statistics.


  11. chris -

    i'll stick with my figures.

    and my analysis.

    the breadth of nations with pop's which skew mostly male - on my list - are all only distiguished by islam.

    NOTHING else - besides the skew - unites them. not region, geology, not economy.

    and since "honor killings" are not reported (and since the CIA numbers you cite were open-sourced) i think that it wold not be reflected in female longevity.

    the cia numbers you cite are EXTREMELY divergent from the economist figures. the list is ENTIRELY different and the numbers are too. uae was 189m/100f according to the economist (and according to you) the cia has china #1 at 113/100. afghanistan is also WAY WAY way way WAY different.

    as i said: i'll stick with the privately sourced numbers. WHY!?
    the cia got nothing right, ever.

    BOTTOM-LINE: "honor killings" are REAL; many "moderate" muslims criticize the practice, and if it is practiced as widely as some belive then the numbers i cited and the explanation i offered are both sound.

    as is the deeper conclusion: that any culture which sanctifies "honor killings" by one family member against another is certainly going to permit jihadoterrorism agains anyone they identify as an "infidel."

    when we get islam to eradicate the one practice - "honor killings" (which sets the tome within each family, within each household, which instructs the males in the culutre that murder is A-OK - then islam will no longer have a terror problem.

    put another way: "honor killings" is a form of jihadoterror, a form which INFORMS all the others. IMHO.

  12. chris check out these links for info on "honor killings":

  13. chris;
    i went to nationmaster and other charts there DO NOT SUPPRT your assertion that guest wrokers explain the divergence.

    the correlation chart -

    shows that these countries all have VERY HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT.
    (not a labor shortage which necessitates guest workers).

    th3 sex rations at birth are skewed but not as badly - so something is happening AFTER birth.
    (from this chart:



    Country Description
    Definition: Foreign labour force 2000

    1. Luxembourg 57.3%
    2. Australia 24.5%
    3. Canada 19.2%
    4. Switzerland 18.3%
    5. United States 12.4%
    6. Austria 10.5%
    7. Belgium 8.8%
    8. Germany 8.8%
    9. France 6.0%
    10. Sweden 5.0%
    11. Norway 4.9%
    12. Ireland 3.7%
    13. United Kingdom 3.7%
    14. Italy 3.6%
    15. Netherlands 3.4%
    16. Denmark 3.4%
    17. Czech Republic 2.0%
    18. Portugal 2.0%
    19. Finland 1.6%
    20. Spain 1.0%
    21. Hungary 0.7%
    22. Korea, South 0.6%
    23. Japan 0.2%
    Weighted Average 7.5

    I stand by my deductive analysis: horrific sexism accounts for much of the imbalance of the gender ratios in those nations which have the greatest imbalances.


    None of those gender imbalanced nations - REPEAT NONE! - have much if any gender empowerment:

    stats here:

    BTW: that nation master site is cool. thanks!

  14. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Thanks for posting on this topic. I posted about it on my site a almost a year ago when I was in Jordan.

  15. Athena:
    I love your blog.

    YES: you posted on this - brilliantly, and from indirect experience. Your posts on life in Jordan were brilliant. My demographic angle into Islamic misogyny is original but the insight (that misogyny leads to terror) is not original.

    I have posted the link you provided in the article. THANKS!

    U R GREAT! I have you blogrolled! Keep fighting baby!

  16. This came up on LGF some months back, but we didn't have sufficiently detailed statistics to do the analysis you've now done.

    I have to say, that's pretty scary. 189 males per 100 females?!

  17. pixy misa -
    i don't think that in the UAE the entire HUGE imbalance is due to "honor killings" etc.

    but it is consistent w/the other nations, and it demonstrates that many muslim nations have a REAL problem. as bad or worse than china - which gets all the bad ink.

    thanks for reading and posting!

    check me out daily - and spread the word!

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  20. Duh Duh Duh,

    This is the biggest piece of crap i've ever read.

    Violence against women is endemic in all countries - yes even the US!

    Selective abortion (for males) is common in Non-muslim China and Hindu India. Areas of these countries have high male BIRTH rates.

    There is an EXTREMELY high amount of MALE foreign workers in these countries you are accusing of 'female genocide'. The UAE for example is a very small country and the MAJORITY of people in that country are not UAE citizens (ie are foreign workers) check it out. USE is also a highly developed country with expats living in a much higher standard of living than you would find in USA.

    In poorer countries high mortality rather than honour killings are sadly responsible for a lot of deaths in women. But again in Afganistan, Nigeria etc.. there are oil and gas piplines and reserves you mightnt have realised that has resulted in male workers also skewing the sex ratios.

  21. Also the proportion of polygamous marriages in muslim countries is less than 2% and is mainly in africa (where it is practiced by non muslims also).

    If there are so few women how could 'half' as some no-brain suggested be polygamous - where r they going to find more than one wife?

  22. PROUD US:


  23. You seem to be oversimplifying this issue. Are you seriously suggesting that almost half of the females in the UAE are falling victim to honour killings? Around 80% of the UAE population are expatriates, with around 60% in Qatar, 70% in Kuwait, etc, etc.

    In addition, the life expectancy of females in these states are higher than that of the males. How can this be if such large numbers of females are dying early? The life-expectancy statistics alone discount premature death as the cause of the gender imbalance.

    I am abhorred by the treatment of women in some of these countries, but this article is poorly researched and sensationalised: it takes only 15 minutes of Googling to see the inconsistencies.


  24. I don't support your blanket views on Islam (I am not religious by the way), but I highly respect that you approve comments that strongly disagree with your articles.


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