Monday, August 29, 2005



(1) ECONOPUNDIT posts a chart which shows that oil-pipeline attacks in Iraq have steadily declined to their lowest point in the entire war. Since this is a MAJOR target of the jihadoterrorists, this PROVES that they are NOT as effective as they once were. They are LOSING.

(3) AND then there's this: US military WOUNDED has STEADILY DECLINED over the last FIVE (5) CONSECUTIVE MONTHS! Contrary to what anti-war Leftists like Sheehan and the MSM want you to believe, the enemy is weakening and there's BEEN NO QUANTITATIVE INCREASE IN THE ENEMY'S EFFECTIVENESS OR STRENGTH OVER THE LAST TWO YEARS - 2 YEARS IN WHICH THE IRAQIS HAVE MADE SUBSTANTIAL POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC PROGRESS. The enemy is losing territory and political clout within Iraq. They are losing. And if we stay the course, the Iraqis who want democracy will win.

Nevertheless, we can expect attacks to increase before the referendum - and casualties to remain high - even until next election roll around, too. Why? Because the enemy doesn't want the Iraqi people to establish a democracy, and the enemy is willing to commit terroristic acts of genocide to attempt to prevent it from happening..

As long as Bush is resolute, the enemy will eventually lose and the Iraqis will soon get a democracy of their own design. The Left doesn't seem to care if the Iraqis get democracy, or not. Which is despicable. (And it is despicable that the MSM doesn't report these facts. I wonder why? Could it be BIAS!? Of course it is - and the MSM is consistently biased in ways that always favors the Left and the anti-war crowd.)

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