Saturday, August 27, 2005


THREE Chechen men who sparked a massive police search in the northern German city of Hamburg after being overheard allegedly planning an attack are in custody.One of the men was arrested and the other two had turned themselves in, Hamburg Police chief Reinhard Chedor said. ... Mr Chedor said he was convinced the trio were the suspects caught on film by a surveillance camera boarding a bus in Hamburg on Wednesday. A witness said by police to be reliable had overheard the men talking about becoming martyrs. One had allegedly said: "Tomorrow we will be heroes for Allah". ... The city's interior minister, Udo Nagel, admitted the size of the police operation had been dictated by fears of attacks similar to those on three Underground trains and a bus in London that killed 56 people, including the four suicide bombers, last month. Three of the suicide hijackers from the September 11, 2001, attacks on the US lived and studied in Hamburg. Last week, a Moroccan national, Mounir el Motassadeq, was jailed by a court in the city for seven years for belonging to a terrorist organisation.
The arrests might have a thwarted attack. We shall never ever know. Better safe than sorry.

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