Friday, August 19, 2005


My mom is an old-time commie (literally) and is opposed to the Iraq War. If I was YOUNG enough to VOLUNTEER (as Casey - God Bless his soul - was!), and IF I my earthly existence came to an end during our noble campaign there, and IF she tried to use my death to advance her anti-war idiocy, and if she tried to to pin her anti-war angst on me, THEN I'd tell her - from one world to another - to shut the eff up! Which is EXACTLY what I think Casey is saying to his mom from way up there in Heaven. God Bless Casey Sheehan. Goddamn Cindy Sheehan. She is a traitor. To her country, and to her son. There. I said it.


  1. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Now you also claim to speak for the dead, that is so convinient. Next time tell me what Westmoreland is proposing to win in Iraq like he did in Vietnam?

  2. mark steyn:

    They're not children in Iraq; they're grown-ups who made their own decision to join the military. That seems to be difficult for the left to grasp. Ever since America's all-adult, all-volunteer army went into Iraq, the anti-war crowd have made a sustained effort to characterize them as "children." If a 13-year-old wants to have an abortion, that's her decision and her parents shouldn't get a look-in. If a 21-year-old wants to drop to the broadloom in Bill Clinton's Oval Office, she's a grown woman and free to do what she wants. But, if a 22- or 25- or 37-year-old is serving his country overseas, he's a wee "child" who isn't really old enough to know what he's doing.

    i TRUST that Casey knew what he was doing and why. that's why i am sure his eternnal soul is as upset with his mother (who desecrates him by infantilizing him) as i am.

  3. btw: westmoreland was relived WAY BEFORE the end of the war. he was relived by creoighton abrams WHO WAS WINNING THE WAR.

    dpon;t take my world for it; read the account by the north vietnamese!

    we were winning militarily. and VIETNAMIZATION was working.

    (I am 50, i know this is true.)

    the South Vietnamese govt didn;t fall until AFTER the "peace accrod" and AFTER the Democrat'left controlled Comngress pulled the pluyg on FINANCIAL support for their nascent democracy.

    the result: the north vilated the peace accord and INVADED the south. 2 million refugees fled the north's marxist TYRANNY. 500,0000 were pout in capms.
    cambodia fel to marxists, and they slaughtered 4 million more of their own.

    and ALL of vietnam has lived in poverty and under tyranny for the last 30 years - like their marixts cousins in NORTH korea - instead of living as freely and as properously as SOUTH KOREANS!

    look at it this way: if the lefties hasn;t pulled the plug on the south vietnamese, you might be driving a hyundai or kia made in vietnam! or using a samsung phone made in saigon.

    so don;t go dredging upo westmoreland as some example of "failed USA miltary hegemony."

    the left caused us to abandon our allies in south east asia. and that is shameful.

    and the left would do the same to the iraqis.

    the left are unprincipled scum.

  4. Anonymous11:48 PM

    You Don't Know what a traitor is, you're too blinded by nationalism to understand that just because some one is anti war doesn't mean they're anti American.

    If Cindy Sheehan were a traitor she wouldn't be protesting the war, she'd be selling secrets of high casualty targets to Osama bin laden

    You know nothing of patriotism, only nationalism, and I think you've confused the two, which is not a very good thing to do, and I’m almost positive that if you respond to this then it'll be calling me a whole assortment of childish names so my advice is this, if you want to be taken seriously cut the childish name calling crap and have a rational discussion.
