Monday, August 01, 2005


The MSM does it. Even FOXNEWS does it. Even Glenn does it - when he links to a cartoon critical of Frist.

It seems to me that the controversy is complicated enough without critics leaving out the KEY word: EMBRYONIC.

Bush has authorized more money for stem cell research than any other president EVER - (which was easy because he was ther FIRST to ever pledge a penny for it)!

So the criticism he gets for "being against stem cell research" is totally uncalled for!

The only form of stem cell research Bush put any limits on - LIMITS ON FEDERAL FINANCING ONLY (and he has not put ANY limits on ANY research which is NOT funded by the feds!) - was EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH - a subset of the larger field STEM CELL RESEARCH, which studies uses for stem cells from many sources.

I do not think that every Bush critic is DELIBERATELY obfuscating the issue, though many undoubtedly are. It's merely sloppy and lazy criticism which is- ultimiately - a disservice to Bush AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, TO THE DEBATE.

ASIDE: Why is it that sloppy and lazy journalism ALWAYS seems to go against Bush? COULD IT BE BIAS? Yup. Even Glenn is BIASED against Bush's position, so he uses (and links to) a cartoon which obfuscates the issue by using of the overly broad term (sans "embryonic") - when ONLY the narrower term is truthful. Shame on you, Glenn!

Stem cells from non-embryonic sources have just as much - or more - potential as the controversial embryonic stem cells. So the bias is uncalled for.

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