Friday, July 15, 2005


BBC: French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy has vowed to deport any Muslim cleric preaching violence. Speaking after meeting his Spanish counterpart in Madrid, Mr Sarkozy said he would seek the expulsion of imams in France "whose sermons are radical". Mr Sarkozy said France and Spain had agreed tougher joint measures against Islamic militancy. Two days ago, France reimposed border controls with its EU neighbours following the London bombings. ... "I know of only one policy against these people - firmness, arresting them, punishing them, penalising them, in Madrid, London, New York, everywhere."

HOW DO YOU SAY, "HE DAH MAN!" IN FRENCH? THERE IS ONE LITTLE CHANGE I WOULD MAKE TO SARKO'S POLICY: WHY LIMIT IT TO CLERICS? All Muslims who advocate any sectarian violence - from Jihad to honor-killings - should be expelled, imprisoned, or executed.

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