Saturday, July 09, 2005


Stephen Hayes has written a detailed piece available at The Weekly Standard which proves that Saddam and al Qaeda had JOINT OPERATIONS:

"... 13 points below, reproduced verbatim from a "Summary of Evidence" prepared by the U.S. government in November 2004.

This unclassified document was released by the Pentagon in late March 2005. It details the case for designating an Iraqi member of al Qaeda, currently detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as an "enemy combatant."

1. From 1987 to 1989, the detainee served as an infantryman in the Iraqi Army and received training on the mortar and rocket propelled grenades. 2. A Taliban recruiter in Baghdad convinced the detainee to travel to Afghanistan to join the Taliban in 1994. 3. The detainee admitted he was a member of the Taliban. 4. The detainee pledged allegiance to the supreme leader of the Taliban to help them take over all of Afghanistan. 5. The Taliban issued the detainee a Kalishnikov rifle in November 2000. 6. The detainee worked in a Taliban ammo and arms storage arsenal in Mazar-Es-Sharif organizing weapons and ammunition. 7. The detainee willingly associated with al Qaida members. 8. The detainee was a member of al Qaida. 9. An assistant to Usama Bin Ladin paid the detainee on three separate occasions between 1995 and 1997. 10. The detainee stayed at the al Farouq camp in Darwanta, Afghanistan, where he received 1,000 Rupees to continue his travels. 11. From 1997 to 1998, the detainee acted as a trusted agent for Usama Bin Ladin, executing three separate reconnaissance missions for the al Qaeda leader in Oman, Iraq, and Afghanistan. 12. In August 1998, the detainee traveled to Pakistan with a member of Iraqi Intelligence for the purpose of blowing up the Pakistan, United States and British embassies with chemical mortars. 13. Detainee was arrested by Pakistani authorities in Khudzar, Pakistan, in July 2002.

RTWT. In addition to this connection, remember (when a Leftist tells you that Iraq was a diversion) to remind them that Saddam gave safe haven to jihadoterrorists and supported them financially.


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    ok lets have a look at what it SAYS.

    This guy was from iraq. He left iraq to join the taliban. Later, he does recon missions back into iraq. If binladin and saddam where working together as you say, why would he need to do recon into his allies area?

    I keep reading your stuff to try to understand conservative mentality. And I keep coming to the conclusion that you are incredibly stupid. I find this at odds with the variety of your information sources.

    You cant be as stupid as you look and read as much as you do. Which leaves a heavy bias. It would take an incredible confirmation bias to read that document and see it as proof of an alliance between saddam and binladin.

    Its the equivilent of finding out an american joined the taliban and alqaeda, and therefore, binladin MUST have been paid by the cia to bomb the states.

    THINK before you post

  2. sam - you are a stupid jerk.

    you left out this little bit:

    "12. In August 1998, the detainee traveled to Pakistan with a member of Iraqi Intelligence for the purpose of blowing up the Pakistan, United States and British embassies with chemical mortars. "


    is that toooo effing hard for you to understand!?

    apparently it is.

    YOU are too stupid to digest what you've read, and are probably HEAVILY biased. and an effing ass.
