Friday, July 15, 2005

PAKISTANI MINISTER: "it's hard to monitor all our madrassas."

BBC: Pakistan's education minister has said that there may be some Islamic schools in the country that the government knows nothing about. He was speaking after Pakistani sources confirmed that one of the London bombers had been in Pakistan. ... In an interview with the BBC, Pakistan Education Minister Javed Ashraf said Islamic schools - madrassas - in the cities were being monitored.

"But those that are in the border belt and on the mountains along the foreign borders... it is very difficult because these are neither registered, nor declared," he told the World Today programme. "And it is quite possible that there may be some madrassas which are still around about which we do not really have much knowledge," he said.

I SAY: Let's not monitor them; let's find them all and shut them, or BOMB THEM.


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