Friday, July 22, 2005


THE NYPD ANNOUNCES RANDOM SUBWAY RIDER SEARCHES - And the ACLU announces it opposes them: In a statement, New York ACLU executive director Donna Lieberman added: "The NYPD can and should investigate any suspicious activity, but the Fourth Amendment prohibits police from conducting searches where there is no suspicion of criminal activity. ... The plan is not workable and will not make New Yorkers more secure but will inconvenience them as police go about finding a needle in a haystack."

And the Left-wing wackos over at COMMON DREAMS are telling people to "resist!" Sheesh.

Double Sheesh: even Chuck Schumer is in favor of it! Which sort of illustrates the corner that the Democrats painted themselves into (because they have chosen to demagogue the GWOT, instead of backing Bush to the hilt, and NEUTRALIZING it as a partisan issue): on the rare occasions when they DO come out in favor of reasonable defensive measures against terror, they risk losing support of their Left-wing wacko base. Well, screw'em: it's a mess they deserve to be in!


  1. Trackback from Philosodude:

    According to Reliapundit, and the now-reliable ACLU have asked us to refuse to do voluntarily on subways what we're required to do at airports. They have decided they've met the enemy and it is us. They are wrong.

    Us will not blow them up into a million pieces. That our government is a government of the people (and for the people) isn't in their ideology.

    I, not Bush or Cheney, am asking NY subway riders--shut the hell up and open your bag upon request. Bush and Cheney don't care what's in your bag unless it's going to kill someone.

    Do it for me, your fellow American, not for them. We're all in this together, OK?

  2. Anonymous11:30 AM

    We should ask Americans to wear an armband with the colors of our flag, that will differentiate the real patriots form the treasorous liberals, and all muslims should wear a visible label with a crecent moon, to make more efficient the identification of potential enemies. All americans should be vigilant of their neighborgs and report any supicious activities to the Home Land Security Police.
    Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer!
