Wednesday, July 27, 2005


In sworn testimony given under oath, liar Richard Clarke lied about how and why the Millennium Bomber came to be arrested; Clarke lied when he claimed that heightened awareness, (due to directives given by the White House - AT HIS URGING), led to the discovery of the Millennium Plot.

In fact, the Millennium Bomber was discovered because a lone conscientious Border Security Agent was supsicious of the Millennium Bomber's behavior as he drove off the ferry. She - Diane Dean arrested the bomber on her own initiative and her intiative alone.

Mr. Ressam, 38, was arrested as he entered the United States in Port Angeles, Wash., on December 14, 1999 in a rental car with a trunk full of explosives and other bomb-making material. He had arrived in the United States on a ferry from Victoria, British Columbia , Federal authorities at the border said they became suspicious about Mr. Ressam when they noted his "nervous demeanor" as he was driving off the ferry.When authorities stopped the car, Mr. Ressam tried to run, but was quickly caught. After investigators searched the car and found explosives hidden in the spare tire compartment, Mr. Ressam acknowledged that he had planned to set off a bomb at Los Angeles International on the eve of the new millennium. He was convicted in 2001 of nine counts, including conspiracy to commit an international terrorist act and explosives smuggling.

Berger is the focus of a Justice Department investigation for removing the documents and handwritten notes from a secure reading room prior to the Sept. 11 Commission hearings. He had been serving as a national security adviser to John Kerry's campaign but announced today he is stepping down. The officials said the missing documents included critical assessments about the Clinton administration's handling of the millennium terror threats as well as identification of America's terror vulnerabilities at airports to seaports. Berger had ordered his anti-terror czar, Richard Clarke, in early 2000 to write the after-action report. Berger testified that during the millennium period, "we thwarted threats and I do believe it was important to bring the principals together on a frequent basis" to consider terror threats more regularly.

The record on the Millennium Plot proves indisputably that Berger and Clarke were do-nothing lying, cheating, stealing, self-aggrandizing blowhards whose inactivity - NAY NEGLIGENCE - in the face of repeated attacks against the USA by the islamoterrorists put this country at graver and graver risk - and DIRECTLY led to 9/11, (at least according to Osama Binladen)!

The LIES that Clarke and Berger told (and that the Left-wing dominated MSM gobbled up and spit out) about how the Clinton Adminstration thwarted the Millennium Plot really make this whole sick episode qualify as "#25" on my running count of "BOGUS BUSH SCANDALS"; let's call it MILLENNIUM-GATE, and let's call it another Left-wing lie. A lie FINALLY put to rest. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    You guys are behind the news, there is no more "War on Terrot", now we have a "global struggle against violent extremists", you need to read the memos form the White House if you want to kiss Bush's ass.
