Friday, July 29, 2005


KRUGMAN: "It's true that France's G.D.P. per person is well below that of the United States. "

[It's actually WORSE than Krugman states: Krugman leaves out the FACT that France's GDP is also not growing; in FACT France's economy is barely growing at half the rate that the US economy is!] Krugman continues:

"But that's because French workers spend more time with their families. The point is that to the extent that the French have less income than we do, it's mainly a matter of choice. And to see the consequences of that choice, let's ask how the situation of a typical middle-class family in France compares with that of its American counterpart. The French family, without question, has lower disposable income. This translates into lower personal consumption: a smaller car, a smaller house, less eating out.

But there are compensations for this lower level of consumption. Because French schools are good across the country, the French family doesn't have to worry as much about getting its children into a good school district. Nor does the French family, with guaranteed access to excellent health care, have to worry about losing health insurance or being driven into bankruptcy by medical bills. Perhaps even more important, however, the members of that French family are compensated for their lower income with much more time together. Fully employed French workers average about seven weeks of paid vacation a year. In America, that figure is less than four. So which society has made the better choice? "

ER, um... okay, and being poor is also better than being rich because you have less disposable income and therefore consume less and contribute less to global warming? And it's easier to keep track of your assets because you have none. SHEESH!

Here's PROOF that Krugman is WRONG: RPR leader and Minister of the Interior Nicholas Sarkozy is proposing to make the French economy more like Great Britain's and America's, and Sarkozy is the most popular politican in France - BY FAR! If Krugman was right, then the Communist Party leader would be more popular, (or the Socialist Party leader would be more popular. Even Villepin would be more popular). But NONE are as popular as Sarkozy who has said he wants to emulate the Anglo-Amerian economy.

FACT: France - and the rest of the socialistic nations of Old Europe - have welfare states that they cannot afford and demographics which make the crises they will INEVITABLY face WORSE than our impending problems with Social Security and Medicare.

What Krugman is advocating for the USA is what the overwhelming majority of the French people are sick'n tired of: slow growth; poor paying jobs; lack of disposable income; and high taxes.

Krugman could not be more Leftist or more wrong. No wonder he is right at home at the NYTIMES! [More on Sarkozy HERE and HERE.] More HERE - from JUST ONE MINUTE!


  1. kyle;
    i think that the state is a bad supplier of just about everything: socialized healthcare sucks, socialzed transit sucks;
    socialized education sucks.
    socialized pensions suck,

    my proof?

    rich folks NEVER opt into socialized programs; the rich always opt for private programs - everywhere.

    that's why i favor privatization, and the promotion of an ownership society.

    certainl;y Old Europe is free to have mixed systems, but that doesn;t mean they are better systems.

    and in fact, most socialists states are failing: germany, france, italy (etc) are all in desperate need of reform because their socialist services suck AND are too expensive.

    by all means, if people want to pay too much for crappy products and services then they should stay on the road to serfdom and keep their socialist systems.

    ost peole do not want that.
    most people are wising up to the sham that socialism is.

    the solution is more economic growth and personal; empowerment.

    IOW: we need to make poor people ricker.

    bush's personal soc. sec accounts is one way.

    it was the most porgressibe pro-poor people program ever proposed.
    it would have given poor folks the same opportunity rich folks have: the chance to build personal assets. wealth.

    rich folks already have private accounts - galore.

    we need to find a way to make poor people rich - everywhere.

    africans do not need handouts (alone); they need to end their socialist tradition and introduce free markets. if they were not socialist, then our "handouts" would become investments.

    BOTTOM-LINE: continental europe will ONLY become a better plave for europeans after the nations of europe each have their HAYEKIAN REVOLUTION - as we did becasue of reagan and GB did because of Thatcher.

    GB is even a little better off than the USA - because the Left in GB is a post-Thatcherian party (mostly); whereas in the USA, the Dems/the Left are wacky socialists who have become anti-free trade isolationist reactionaries.

    that's all...
    thanks for your comments here on this and othe posts!

  2. Anonymous5:46 PM

    i think that the state is a bad supplier of just about everything: socialized healthcare sucks, socialzed transit sucks; socialized education sucks. socialized pensions suck, my proof? rich folks NEVER opt into socialized programs; the rich always opt for private programs - everywhere.

    Man oh man, I think you're on to something! The rich never choose Wal-Mart! So, why should we allow that grubbing corporate-welfare parasite into our community?! Our plutarchic overlords choose to shop in small, specialized business and so should we.

  3. Anonymous11:20 PM

    The best rebuttal to Krugman was made by a French politician who said that le modèle social français was not social because it involved a 10.5% unemployment rate, and was not a modèle because no one wanted to follow it.

  4. to anonymous: the rich buy better stuff at their expensive small boutiques.

    wouldn't it better if EVERYONE could shop WHEREVER they want - regardless of prices?

    we need to make poor people RICHER, not tax rich people more so poor people casn remain poor but "taken care of" bya welfare state that will bankrupt everyone and stifle econopmic growth..

    it's really simple: the high taxes needed to redistribute wealth stifles gropwth. and GROWTH is the best antidote to poverty.

    need proof" well just look at the last 200 years:

    more people living better than ever - evbery year (just abotu except for the odd recession years).

    since the advent of indusrialization and freer and freer trade living standards and life expectancy for people in captialist free market ceconomies has steadilty imporved - and at a higher rate thasn in socialist countries or mixed economies with high taxes and redistribution of wealth.

    PROOF: china and indoia lifeted themselves oput of POVERTY by introducing free markets and capitalism and industrialization.

    if we want to imporve the lives of poor people (in Africa, for instance) we need to industrialize them - build sweatshops there)
    and open up their markets so that the newly employed/exploited workers can buy good cheap stuff.

    they will live longer hralthieer and richer lives, than if they stay ON THE ROAD TO SERFDOM.

    so... what you lefties advoctae JUST DOESN'T WORK!

    grow up. move on... HEH!

  5. en revanche:

    the politicam who sdaid that was SARKOZY - the man i cited!

  6. Anonymous1:11 AM

    grow up. move on... HEH!
    Follow your lead and become a shill for the theocratic plutocracy of the Bushies? No thank you.

  7. French people have more time to spend with their families?

    French people don't have families.

    The Socialist/Communist system has been proven to beat the desire for procreation right out of the human being.


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