Saturday, July 30, 2005


BBC: Iran says the three European states which are trying to resolve the dispute over Tehran's nuclear programme must submit their proposals by Monday. An Iranian government spokesman said a European request for the date to be put back had been rejected. But diplomats from the UK, France and Germany say they never promised to have the proposals ready by 1 August. Iran has repeatedly said that it will resume some of its nuclear activities regardless of EU proposals.

Earlier this week outgoing President Mohammad Khatami said he hoped EU diplomats would allow for a resumption of enrichment activities, but Iran would begin again in any case.

Europe has made it clear that a resumption of nuclear work will mean an end to the talks.

Iran is a growing menace. If they get the bomb they will be untouchable. The time is VERY near when SOMEONE with balls MUST take pre-emptive action and bomb ALL of Iran's nuclear facitlties - REGARDLESS of how many civilian casualties result because Iran DELIBERATELY put these facitlities in civilian locations - IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS!

If Bush fails to stop Iran from going nuclear, it will loom as a bigger loss to the West than when Truman lost China.

7/31 - UPDATE: BBC - The international dispute over Iran's nuclear programme appears to be escalating, with Tehran threatening to resume uranium conversion. The UK Foreign Office (FCO) urged Iran not to take unilateral steps that could jeopardise talks with three European Union nations - known as the E3. ... This is threatening to become a dangerous escalation, says the BBC's Jon Leyne. ... The European states have threatened to refer Iran to the UN Security Council for possible sanctions if Iran resumes its nuclear activities. If we do not receive the EU proposal today [Sunday], tomorrow morning we will start part of the activities in Isfahan's uranium conversion facility," Ali Aghamohammadi, spokesman for the Supreme National Security Council, told state television. ... Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the conservative former Tehran mayor who was elected Iran's president last month, has said he wants to continue the nuclear programme.

Ahmadinejad is an evil man (Caroline Glick/JPOST - hat tip LGF) :
The question is, now that he is about to be sworn in as president, will Ahmadinejan abandon terrorism and become a responsible pragmatist who understands that he has to cooperate with the West? Speaking of the role he envisions Iran playing under his leadership, Ahmadinejad said on Friday, “Thanks to the blood of the martyrs, a new Islamic revolution has arisen and the Islamic revolution... will, if God wills, cut off the roots of injustice in the world. The era of oppression, hegemonic regimes, tyranny and injustice has reached its end. The wave of the Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world.” In short then, the answer is no. Ahmadinejad sees his role as promoting the same platform of global jihad he has been actively participating in since 1979. IN A nutshell, Ahmadinejad is the personification of everything that the US and its erstwhile European allies claim that the war against global terrorism is seeking to defeat. He is a religious fanatic, a terror commander with global reach who seeks to destabilize the world and he is planning a no holds barred sprint to the finish line of Iran’s race to acquire nuclear weapons which, he promises, will be used to protect the entire Islamic world. This naturally begs the question, now that the mask of “reform” has been removed from the Iranian face, what will the US and Europe do? Will they accept that there is no diplomatic way of dealing with a regime that, in selecting Ahmadinejad as president has finally admitted that it remains fully committed to the destruction of Western civilization? Or will they try to ignore the obvious and tell themselves that a deal can still be reached if the payoff is high enough? The signs are mixed but discouraging.
UNSC sanctions would be the penultimate step. A pre-emptive strike - destroying all of Iran's nuclear siters and all their military assets is the ultimate resolution. The ONLY way to short-circuit these two steps is to foment a democratic revolution in Iran, and have the people take over there as they did in Lebanon and Ukriane, and Georgia, etc..

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