Monday, July 25, 2005


BBC: Egyptian police are searching for six Pakistani nationals in connection with the triple bombing at Sharm al-Sheikh. They have distributed photographs of the six, who disappeared from a hotel in Cairo earlier this month. ... Police have clarified that the six missing Pakistanis disappeared before the bombings, and were not staying at a hotel in Sharm al-Sheikh, as previously reported. Arabic TV networks have shown grainy pictures of two of the missing men and named them as Muhammad Akhtar, 30, and Tasadduq Husayn, 18.

If this turns out to be true, it's more proof that Pakistan is a major source of jihadoterrorism - probably from their numerous radical madrassas. We should pressure Musharraf to shut the radical madrassas - or bomb them shut, as they are nothing more than terrorist training camps. As I have blogged before: V2 factories : WW2 :: madrassas : GWOT.

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