Tuesday, July 26, 2005


WashPost: Clinton Angers Left With Call for Unity - Senator Accused of Siding With Centrists -

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's call for an ideological cease-fire in the Democratic Party drew an angry reaction yesterday from liberal bloggers and others on the left, who accused her of siding with the centrist Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) in a long-running dispute over the future of the party. Long a revered figure by many in the party's liberal wing, Clinton (D-N.Y.) unexpectedly found herself under attack after calling Monday for a cease-fire among the party's quarreling factions and for agreeing to assume the leadership of a DLC-sponsored initiative aimed at developing a more positive policy agenda for the party.
Could anything be more indicative of the utter insanity of the Left!? NOPE! And how can ANYONE on the Left blame Bush (or the GOP or the moderates - in both parties) for dividing America, when they can't even unite inside their own party! Sheesh! With their wacky and demonstrably unreliable Left-wing base rebelling - and with their union base CRUMBLING - the Democrat Party is IN UTTER SHAMBLES. Good riddance!


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    This is one man show , he post his opinions, comment on them and insult any one that disagrees with him.
    Just pathetic, a monologe is not a blog.
