Sunday, June 12, 2005


The USA has been the recipient of MILLIONS of immigrants from Latin America - folks from Mexico to the tippy-toe of South America; they are largely hard-working, God-fearing folks who have contributed to America's wealth and well-being and our culture.

Many have been ILLEGAL immigrants, and this ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION creates many problems for the USA - problems I don't need to go into here, in this post.

The EU has also been the recipient of many immigrants - most from former colonies and most of them MUSLIM. Bat Ye'or and others have written extensively about the ISLAMIFICATION of Europe; this is due to the in flux of Muslim immigrants, the high birth rates among Muslim immigrants, and the low birth rates among Europeans. Bat Yeor and others - myself included - believe that European culture is under threat and could dissapear; I have written that Paris could become Paristanbul and the Notre Dame Cathedral a mosque. But Europe has BIG DEMOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS: the EU population is AGING TERRIBLY FAST, and they need an influx of young workers to keep their Welfare States afloat. Muslims have filled this role/need.

Perhaps the USA and the EU and Latin America could come up with a better solution to their immigration woes - one that would help ALL THREE: encouraging Latin American immigration to EUROPE!

Latin Americans are Christian, and speak a LATIN-based language (most speak Spanish, others speak Portuguese). Assimiliation would be easier for them in Europe - AND... Europe would not be as threatened (with major cultural shift away from Christianity and Western Civilization) by Latinos as they are by Muslims (whose culture is very un-European).

Spain could play a leading roles in this - by being the GATEWAY for the ambitious and hard-working Latin Americans heading back to Europe for jobs.

This is a win-win-win answer to the immigration issues of the three regions: Latin America gets a continued outlet, the USA gets relief from inundation by ILLEGAL immigration from Latin America, and Europe gets relief from too much Muslim immigration.

All we need to do is give trans-Atlantic boat tickets to all Latin Americans who want to leave Latin America and are willing to go to Europe.

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