Sunday, June 26, 2005


WILLISMS (hat-tip MICHELLE MALKIN) has collected a few QUOTATIONS from ALL OF THE DEMOCRAT LEADERS (Reid, Durbin, Dean, Pelosi, Rangel, and Hillary) which exposes their insane LEFTIST positions these days. GO THERE; THE POST HAS PRETTY PICTURES, TOO!

As WILLISMS concludes, "The lesson here is clear:

The radical left owns the Democratic Party. and DailyKos and the others bought the DNC, and they expect results. Results they have gotten. Congrats to the frothing fringe for their Pyrrhic victory."

That says it ALL!

UPDATE: Well, that ALMOST says it all... Here's a delicious tidbit from Ann Coulter - who ABSOLUTELY NAILS the reason why the Democrat Party can NO LONGER BE CALLED THE LOYAL OPPOSITION, (because they're NOT loyal!):

The only question is: Why do Democrats take such relish in slandering their country?

If someone was constantly telling vicious lies about you, would you believe they supported and loved you?

"I love John Doe, and that's why I accuse him of committing serial rape and mass murder. Oh, he doesn't do that? Yes, but how dare you say I don't love John Doe!" And now back to our regular programming on Air America ...

If the Democrats ever want to be trusted again - with the NATIONAL SECURITY, by a majority of the electorate, then they'd better stop MALIGNING AND SLANDERING OUR MILITARY, AND STOP PARROTING THE PROPAGANDA OUR ENEMY. Ditto the MSM: only when their editiorials and "reporting" no longer read like al Qaeda fatwas will their ratings go UP!

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