Wednesday, June 29, 2005

DEMOCRAT CRITIQUE OF BUSH'S SPEECH IS FALSE: Congressional Resolution HR RES #114 - authorizing war on Saddam - cited BOTH 9/11 and al Qaeda

Many Lefties and Democrats - like Senators Boxer and Rockefeller and Dodd and Feingold and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Pelosi and DNC Chairman Howeird Dean - have critized Bush's speech last might because it - in their opinion - incorrectly conflated 9/11 & al Qaeda with Saddam and Iraq, AND incorrectly argued that the War in Iraq is-or-ever-was part of the GWOT.

They further argued that Bush was cynically USING 9/11 to shore up public support for him and the war in Iraq.

PARAGRAPHS #10, 11 and 12 - (AS PASSED):
" ... Whereas members of al Qaida, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq;

Whereas Iraq continues to aid and harbor other international terrorist organizations, including organizations that threaten the lives and safety of United States citizens;

Whereas the attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, underscored the gravity of the threat posed by the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by international terrorist organizations; ..."
IN FACT, the resolution was exactly correct in this regard: many terrorists and terrorist organizations WERE given safe-haven in Iraq: Abu Nidal, Abu Zarqawi; and Ansar al Islam and al Qaeda - were but a few of the many. Zarqawi - who is leading al Qaeda in Iraq now was there at least a year BEFORE THE WAR!

For the Left-wing Democrats to claim NOW that Bush is "once again changing his reasons for getting us stuck in a 'quagmire' of Iraq" is an idiotic LIE. And it's pure assinine demagoguery. That the MSM buys it and promotes it UNCRITICALLY only proves that they are still dominated by the Left. (The above link listing the offending Democrats is to the NYTIMES - which did NOT critique the Dems charges; neither did "REUTERS" in their article on the BASELESS Democrat charges against Bush - in fact: they made it their headline!)

Bush and Joint Resolution #114 (and UNSC Resolution 1441) offered many reasons for confronting Saddam with force - and AT THE TIME THE CONGRESSIONAL RESOLUTION PASSED these included 9/11 and al Qaeda AND and this Congressional Resolution and the UNSC Resolution even included the spread of democracy! (QUOTE: Whereas the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-338) expressed the sense of Congress that it should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove from power the current Iraqi regime and promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime; " [HR #144; paragraph #18 (same link as above)].)

Before 9/11, there were MANY terrorist attacks against the USA (most on Clinton's watch): 1993 WTC attack; the twin African embassy bombings; the BLACKHAWK down in Somalia; and the USS Cole attack. Unfortunately, Clinton NEVER went on the offensive after any one of these attacks, and by appearing WEAK Clinton sent the signal to UBL and al Qaeda and neojihadists everywhere that the USA was weak and could be terrorized into submission.

But 9/11 changed things in the GOP - and for MOST Americans. POST 9/11 - and with a Republican in the White House and controlling Congress - America will NEVER appease or surrender to the ENEMY. Or "cut & run" by setting an artificial deadline for withdrawal. And most Americans have ALWAYS seen the War against Saddam and our current
"counter-insurgency" as part of the GWOT.

The Democrats apparently do not see it that way. And they are willing to "revise" history - and LIE - in order to promote their view that the Iraq War is and was a mistake and a diversion (AND THAT THEY ALWAYS SAW IT THAT WAY!).

I think that today's Democrats are correctly seen as "doves" who don't have the stomach for war. Unless and until the Democrats are seen as being as hawkish as the post-9/11 GOP, the Dems will NEVER get control of either the White House or Congress.

Thank God.



  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    al ansar was based in northern iraq that saddam did not control due to the us/british interdiction. Northern iraq was being controlled by the kurds, not saddam.

    Saddam is a sunni secularist, bin ladin is a shia fundamentalist. The inability of westerners to grasp why this means that they hate each other and never worked together doesnt mean they did.

    It might have been in the original text to go to war, but it was still false.

  2. the previous comments are WRONG.
    1 - ansar al islam operated with saddam's approval.
    2 - (a)zarqawi was in iraq in 2001
    (b) zawahiri was there in the mid-1990's. (c) saddam worked with jihadists; just as we used stalin to get hitler. allies do NOT have to be in lock-step. arguing they do is STUPID.

    3 - baathism is a form of extremist Islam and NOT a secularist ideology. just google baathism's history, and read a little aboput it. (instead of regurgitating false leftist BS.)

    4 - funny how NO libs/dems/lefties argued in 2002 that the clauses in HR RES#114 which linked saddam to al qaeda and other terrorist groups (like hamas and pflp and fatah) were WRONG. FUNNIER STILL that the leftists claim that Bush si asserting this tie NOW, and that bush is somehow "revising history" when it is in fact the Left which is revising history by denying the obvious truth. the truth that's in the record for all to see. what jerks!

    5 - you admit saddam was sunni - this means he is NOT secularist, as sunni is a SECT OF ISLAM and NOT a tribe. there are sunni kurds and sunni malays and sunni pakis, etc.saddam repressed and committed genocoide against shia iraqis. this was not secularist genocide.
    to assert it was is ASSININE.

    your ignorant views prove you are an ignorant jerk trapped in the disporven and failed ideology of Leftism, and exhibiting all the signs of the death throes of denial and cognitive dissonance.


  3. re: polls offered as truth by the MSM.

    I wager the public would answer this question largely in the affirmative: "If they had been so inclined, did Saddam's cabal and secret police have enough information beforehand, that if disclosed and/or pursued, would have prevented 9-11?"

    Granted, even if asked, the MSM only picks poll results that support their position.

  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Not to interrupt yet another DEMOCRATS = MSM = HATE BUSH rant, but you might consider that that particular criticism of Bush's speech has come from a variety of sources.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled hystrionics.

  5. The "anonymous" poster who said that Bin Laden is a "shia fundamentalist" reveals thereby how completely he is oblivious to simple facts. Bin Laden is a Wahhabist or Salafist. he thinks that the Shia are the worst infidels on the planet.

    Keithm, Indy -- thank you for a useful review.

    McCoy -- nice to have you back on line. Stick around, eventually the stubbornness of the facts may even bring you around.

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