Wednesday, June 08, 2005


For all his vaunted grassroots/internet fundraising, Dean finished 4th in Iowa and quickly became the laughingstock of the media: AARRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

So now I'm supposed to be surprised that Dean is self-destructing and taking the Democrats with him?!

Dean was ALWAYS a loose cannon and a loser. The fact that the Dems selected him to head their party PROVES they're a party of extremists and wackos and losers and complainers WHO ARE NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME - ESPECIALLY DURING WARTIME! When they ditch him and pick a Robert Strauss-type, then and only then MIGHT they have a chance at reversing their downward spiral.

UPDATE: Click HERE (Lily and Vince) for a list of DEAN'S STUPID COMMENTS - and a catchy remix of Dean's infamous scream; (hat-tip OTB).

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