Tuesday, June 21, 2005



GAYS = JEWS [Jonah Goldberg ]

Matt Yglesias and Andrew Sullivan are pretty convinced that gays are the new Jews. They don't offer much by way of evidence or argumentation, just assertion with a quote or two dangled.

This false analogy joins a long list of other Leftist LIES:
Jenin = Stalingrad
Zionism = racism
Bush = Hitler
Gitmo = gulag (or NAZI concentration camp or Pol Pot killing field - take you pick!)
Iraq = Vietnam
The Left cannot win based on the facts, so they resort to inflammatory rhetoric and illogical/conflationary analogies which twist the facts (propaganda) in an attempt to wear down the resolve of those defending freedom, democracy, and tradtional Western, Judeo-Christian values. The nearly complete intellectual poverty of Left is typified by the fact that the Left doesn't even really have an alternative strategy for Iraq, other than to set an arbitrary withdrawal date. (Which is why I say NEARLY complete intellectual poverty: if it wasn't for their idiotic policies and their lies, they'd be UTTERLY intellectually bankrupt!)

This startegy of repeating the BIG LIE over-and-over worked for the Left in the Vietnam Era, and led to: the abandonment of the SVG in 1975; 1 million Boat People (Vietnamese refugees); Pol Pot's Killing Fields (and their 3 million skulls); and 30 years of cruel impoverished socialist tyranny for 60 million Vietnamese.

Things are different now: We will not let them - and the MSM they still dominate - do to the Iraqi people - (or the Afghanis, the Lebanese, and other Arabs) - what they did to the Vietnamese people. We will help ALL these people - and other people EVERYWHERE - become FREE. We will do whatever it takes to defeat the enemies of freedom and democracy - EVERYWHERE (as FDR said in his "Four Freedoms" speech).

[Please feel free to add a false analogy of the Left in the comments section. I'd like to collect them.]


  1. Anonymous10:31 PM

    "kkk = rotary club"

  2. Anonymous10:34 PM

    gay marriage = interracial marriage

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    christian fundamentalist = jihadofascist terrorist
