Wednesday, May 04, 2005



Sen. Norm Coleman is preparing subpoenas in order to force two former Oil-for-Food investigators to testify, FOX News has learned.The Republican chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations could issue the direct challenge as early as Wednesday to Paul Volcker, head of the Independent Inquiry Committee probing corruption in the $64 billion U.N. program. The subpoenas would be the latest salvo in a brewing fight over access to possibly incriminating testimony and diplomatic immunity.
After the release of the second report, Parton and Duncan resigned as investigators, objecting to the committee's handling of Annan's dealings with Swiss company Cotecna, which was contracted under the program and that once employed Kojo Annan. "Contrary to recent published reports, I resigned my position as senior investigative counsel for the IIC not because my work was complete but on principle," Parton told The Associated Press in a statement.

Congressional sources told FOX News last week that they believe Volcker is terrified of the damage the investigators' testimony could do to his credibility. U.N. experts said the showdown between Volcker and Congress would be critical. “It's also being pointed out that if Mr. Volcker is asserting that his team has U.N. diplomatic immunity, then he is admitting that his committee is not in fact independent but a part of the very organization it is supposed to be objectively investigating,” said Nile Gardiner of the
Heritage Foundation.
The MSM has virtually ignored this HUGE story - and Volker's own conflict if interest. Thank God for Claudia Rossett and Fox and Roger L. Simon. Watch them - and Austin Bay - talk about it on Kudlow & Co, courtesy of Trey Jackson. And God Bless Norm Coleman.

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