Wednesday, May 04, 2005


The next president of Mexico - succeeding the inept illegal immigration booster Vincente Fox (see earlier posts HERE and HERE), - is likely going to be a flaming LEFTIST. And he will probably be as bad a tyrant as Chavez and Fidel. Here is is IN HIS OWN WORDS (from the NYTIMES):
Mayor López Obrador did not disagree. "There is the impression that I am authoritarian," he said. "But social movements require strong leadership."
That's just what Stalin said! The NYTIMES adds:
"... his left-leaning, hard-charging political style has many in the ruling elite and analysts abroad worried that Mexico could go the way of Venezuela, which is embroiled in a class war as President Hugo Chávez rides a wave of anti-American sentiment. It is a wave that has swept leftist politicians into power across Latin America. And like Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in Brazil and Tabaré Vásquez of Uruguay, Mr. López Obrador personifies the angry disappointment with Washington-backed promarket economic policies that have stabilized the economy for the rich but failed to lift up the poor."
These Leftie populist demogogues south of the Rio Grande are setting back their nations another 100 years - while we have our eye on problems on East, Central, South and Southeast Asia. I hope that ib his new job as head of the World Bank that WOLFOWITZ can exert some pressure and get some sensible reform down there. I am doubtful. I PREDICT (that - just as Arafat's death and Harriri's murder helped trigger events in the Middle East): that real reform in Latin America will only occur AFTER Castro's death - may it come soon.

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