Sunday, May 08, 2005


The Left is trying to spin Blair's HISTORIC victory into a defeat for him and the Iraq War.


Blair won 36% of the vote this time; last time he won 40% of the vote. So Blair ONLY lost 4% of the general vote, and his party only polled 10% less this time than last time.

The voters Blair lost went to the Liberal-Democrats - who are in may ways TO THE LEFT of Blair - especially on the Iraq War.

Blair's party won 367 seats. the next nearest party was the Conservative Party which won 197 seats. The Lib-Dems won 62 seats. Other parties won a total of 30 seats. If the Consevatives and the Lib-Dems formed a coaliton then they would fail to overturn any labor policy or a loss of a confidence vote in Parliament. It is EXTREMELY UNLIKEY that the Conservatives and the Lib-Dems would ever be able to unite on anything, anyway, or to unite with the 30 MP's from any of the other parties. Blair's lead over the Conservatives is 170 - THAT'S ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SEATS! And Blair's lead over the next biggest party is a WHOPPING 305 - THAT'S THREE-HUNDRED AND EFFING-FIVE!

Therefore, Blair's Labor Party still enjoys a HUGE real advantage over each of his opposing parties, and it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that either the Conservatives or the Lib-Dems will be able to unseat the Labor Party - EVEN AT THE NEXT ELECTION!

As to the effect of the Iraq War... it had NO MEANINGFUL EFFECT. NONE. The Lib-Dems rans an anti-Iraq War dove and got 62 seats - not enough to be meaningful threat to Labor. And the Conservative Party supported the War. Therefore, if the Labor Party were to be led by a dove next time, they'd probably LOSE to a Conservative Party leader. History shows that the Labor Paryt did not (and couldn't've) become "NEW Labor" until AFTER they had convinced the broad center of the electorate that they could be trusted on the economy and on defense. If they backslide on either then they IN EFFECT revert to OLD Labor, and they'd probably get the commensurate electoral results: LOSE, LOSE, LOSE.

SO... when the Lefties tell you that Blair's support of Bush and the Iraq War hurt him, say: "okay, a little, but NOT in any significant way.

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