Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Two of the world's leading scientific journals have come under fire from researchers for refusing to publish papers which challenge fashionable wisdom over global warming. A British authority on natural catastrophes who disputed whether climatologists really agree that the Earth is getting warmer because of human activity, says his work was rejected by the American publication, Science, on the flimsiest of grounds. The author of the research, Dr Naomi Oreskes, of the University of California, analysed almost 1,000 papers on the subject published since the early 1990s, and concluded that 75 per cent of them either explicitly or implicitly backed the consensus view, while none directly dissented from it. Dr Oreskes's study is now routinely cited by those demanding action on climate change, including the Royal Society and Prof Sir David King, the Government's chief scientific adviser.

However, her unequivocal conclusions immediately raised suspicions among other academics, who knew of many papers that dissented from the pro-global warming line. They included Dr Benny Peiser, a senior lecturer in the science faculty at Liverpool John Moores University, who decided to conduct his own analysis of the same set of 1,000 documents - and concluded that only one third backed the consensus view, while only one per cent did so explicitly. Dr Peiser submitted his findings to Science in January, and was asked to edit his paper for publication - but has now been told that his results have been rejected on the grounds that the points he make had been "widely dispersed on the internet".

Dr Peiser insists that he has kept his findings strictly confidential. "It is simply not true that they have appeared elsewhere already," he said. [...] Dr Peiser is not the only academic to have had work turned down which criticises the findings of Dr Oreskes's study. Prof Dennis Bray, of the GKSS National Research Centre in Geesthacht, Germany, submitted results from an international study showing hat fewer than one in 10 climate scientists believed that climate change is principally caused by human activity.

As with Dr Peiser's study, Science refused to publish his rebuttal. Prof Bray told The Telegraph: "They said it didn't fit with what they were intending to publish." [...] Prof Roy Spencer, at the University of Alabama, a leading authority on satellite measurements of global temperatures, told The Telegraph: "It's pretty clear that the editorial board of Science is more interested in promoting papers that are pro-global warming. It's the news value that is most important." He said that after his own team produced research casting doubt on man-made global warming, they were no longer sent papers by Nature and Science for review - despite being acknowledged as world leaders in the field. As a result, says Prof Spencer, flawed research is finding its way into the leading journals, while attempts to get rebuttals published fail. "Other scientists have had the same experience", he said. "The journals have a small set of reviewers who are pro-global warming."

Concern about bias within climate research has spread to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose findings are widely cited by those calling for drastic action on global warming. In January, Dr Chris Landsea, an expert on hurricanes with the United States National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, resigned from the IPCC, claiming that it was "motivated by pre-conceived agendas" and was "scientifically unsound".

The MSM/Old Media is as UNBIASED about "global warming' as they are about Bush, Terry Schiavo, Israel's right to self-defense, and Kerry's lies about going to Cambodia; IOW: their Left-wing bias informs and distrorts EVERYTHING they do and ANYONE who depends on them for news is apt to have faulty opinions and propose stupid policies that can't possibly work.

The MSM/Old media distorts reality because it is still dominated by the Left - and the Left is more interested in promoting their statist utopianism than they are the truth - which is why they still deny: that Truman was right to drop nuclear bombs on Japan; that Vietnam was a noble cause (and that it was wrong for Congress to pull the plug on our allies inn Saigon in 1975); that Reagan won the Cold War; and that Bush is spear-heading the greatest spread of democracy since the collpase of the USSR. Without their lies and their willful distortions of reality - (and their anti-Semitic/anti-American/Ant-West hate-speech: "BUSHITLER"/"ASHKKROFT"/"human shields") - the Left wouldn't be able to maintain their denial that their ideology has been and remains an utter and total and complete failure - and one which led DIRECTLY to the slaughter of 100 MILLION people in the last century.

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