Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Delgado and Kerry: Two liars who smeared and slandered and libeled the US Military. More at POWERLINE. And at Polipundit, too - and Lorie Byrd has LOADS OF LINKS. And as ALWAYS: MALKIN!


  1. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Why has the Delgado story disappeared?

  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    This creep was "invited" to Camarillo High School in California, a school which teaches a goodly number of students whose parents serve their country at Naval Base Ventura County and it's Tenant Commands.

    The troops are furious.

    Please get this back in the national spotlight. This coward, and the cowards who invite him to speak, need to be stopped. Our tax dollars for education should never be used to bash our brave men and women who serve their country.

  3. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Aidan Delgado is your typical political family pussy (his daddy was an Ambassador). I was in Army A School with a Senator's son. The young GI called it quits as soon as he got orders to Germany. He just called daddy and told him to get him out of the Army. A week later, he was out. The military should not let these sons and daughters of politicians join - they're not dependable. You wouldn't catch me in a fox hole with one of them. They just don't have the right stuff.

  4. Anonymous12:12 AM

    It's now June 17. WHY has the Aidan Delgado story just plain disappeared. Even the Conservative press is ignoring it.

  5. Anonymous3:39 AM

    I know Aidan Delgado personally. He is a man of both great integrity and intelligence. So, for the sake of argument, pretend you believe as I do that his stories are true. That the atrocities he claimed to have witnessed happened. What would you then have to admit about your precious undereducated army? What are the implications behind his accusations... . Would you, or rather, COULD you be willing believe him and react against an army you seem to blindly support? I believe it is this absurd national unaltering unquestioning support of these troops - these tools of war - that is most detrimental not only to the free accepting nation our founding fathers created, but to world stability as a whole. If the American people do not rise up against mindless cruelty and murder committed by US soldiers, which only the most naive would claim does not happen in any type of war environment, then it is the American people's fault and wholly their blame that young children and innocent civilians are killed on the battlefield. Most of our soldiers are too ignorant to find work elsewhere. As a result of their lack of education many are bigoted and lack a dignified ethical code. They are not fighting this war out of a sense of patriotism, it is because they have a sever lack of options. The people complaining of Aidans experiences share the same problems of most of the blindly patriotic of this country... they simply do not think.
