Sunday, April 03, 2005


According to the BBC:

A survey has suggested the majority of sexual health clinics have turned patients away in the last year. It found that 34% of clinicians reported they had "often" turned people away without being able to offer them any help. Another 30% said they had "occasionally" had to do so.

The charities warn most of these patients would have been unlikely to have been able to access sexual health services elsewhere. They said this meant those who did have a sexually transmitted infection would have continued to experience symptoms themselves, and potentially pass their STI on to new partners.

The survey also revealed long waits for tests. It suggested one in five patients wait a month for an STI test and more than a third wait more than two weeks for an HIV test.

A Department of Health spokeswoman said: "This is a small survey that only looked at 15% of PCTs. "Tackling the rise in STIs is a government priority. And that is why we have just invested an extra £300m for sexual health." She said the aim was for all patients who needed an appointment would be seen within 48 hours.

According to the socialist: "all the government has to do is spend more tax money and come up with another, improved Five Year Plan, COMRADE."

YEAH. RIGHT! 64% of the CLINICS turn people away WHEN THEY MOST NEED CARE, and that's called UNIVERSAL COVERAGE, or NATIONAL HEALTH. And the Left thinks we're supposed to want that!? Sheesh.


  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

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  2. Anonymous5:52 AM

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