Thursday, April 21, 2005


The latest accusations of abuse aimed at the president's nominee to be America's ambassador to the United Nations come from a self-described "liberal Democrat" who in 2004 helped organize the Dallas chapter of "Mothers Opposing Bush."

"Loyal Republican to the Core" Carl Ford Donated to Democrats - Self-professed “loyal, conservative Republican to the core” Carl Ford has not always put his money where his mouth is. Over the past five years, Ford donated more than $3,000 to a number of prominent Democrats including John Kerry and Charles Rangel, according to has also donated to a number of Republicans, including President Bush. The Democrat donations include:

$1,000 Charles Rangel 8/12/04; $500, Daniel Inouye, 2/18/04; $1,000 Jane Harman, 12/8/03; $250 Jane Harman, 3/7/2004; $500 John Kerry, 11/9/99.

Why would a REAL conservative Republican give money to Rangel and Kerry - (and GOP moderate Arlen Spector, too)? It's NOT plausible. When Ford CLAIMED UNDER OATH to be a conservative Republican, he perjured himself and proved he's a phony and a liar.

The Left-wingers - and the Democrat Party they now control - are lying now about Bolton just as Joe Wilson and Dick Clarke and Sandy Berger and Dan Rather did in the past about Bush and other Bush aides.



International Business and Technical Consultants President [and Townsel's boss] Jayant Kalotra wrote a letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee defending Bolton’s actions in Moscow concerning “Mothers Opposing Bush” volunteer Melody Townsel.

Now, before anyone tries to imply Kalotra is just another conservative Bolton supporter, consider these facts:

In the past five years, Kalotra has donated over $16,000 to political candidates, all Democrats, according to FEC records. That includes more than $3,000 to New Jersey Democratic congressman Frank Pallone, $3,000 to Dick Gephardt, $500 to Al Gore, $5,000 to the DNC, $1,000 to Maryland congressman Albert Wynn and $1,000 to New York’s Gary Ackerman.


When asked to explain why she did not bring allegations against Bolton during any of his previous confirmation hearings, [Bolton accuser]Townsel claims she was “too busy” raising her children and had stepped out of politics.

However, during the time Townsel claims she devoted to raising her children, she was in fact working for the very large public relations firm Ogilvy. She was so committed to her work that she became a senior VP and collected more than $1.5 billion in revenues for the company.

In addition, Townsel worked on “whistleblower” issues for the Androvett Legal Media and Marketing firm and ran her own firm, Townsel Communications. Hat tip to the Classical Values blog.


  1. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Of course. The most effective diplomats are always hard-headed, confrontational, and tempermental. That sort of thing goes over real well with the UN folk. I'm sure they can't wait for an American to come in there and tell them all that international law only exists to serve US interests and how he feels that the US doesn't have to live up to treaty obligations if it doesn't feel like it.

    He'll be a great representative for America and is the perfect man to promote change.(/sarcasm)

  2. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I'm wondering why Bolton supporters aren't concerned about the fact that, under oath, Mr. Bolton testified that the incident involving the intelligence analyst that he allegedly intimidated and tried to have removed, was "closed" after his conversation with Mr. Fingar. Four other witnesses testified on the record that Mr. Bolton continued to rant about the incident and pressure the analysts supervisors to have him disciplined or removed. Clearly, Mr. Bolton lied under oath to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Whether he's an arrogant bully or not, whether he wants to reform the U.N. or not, it's obvious that he's self serving to the extent that he's willing to lie under oath. I, for one, would be ashamed to have him represent my country to the rest of the world, and I am ashamed of any loyalist politician that would sacrifice whatever reputation for honesty they might have to push his nomination through. If my Senator votes for him (and it looks like he's going to) I will lose all respect. I just hope that the integrity of our democracy and processes will, for once, be more important than winning.
