Wednesday, March 23, 2005

OJ, Baretta and Schiavo: How to Get Away With Murdering Your Wife

All you need is a good lawyer.

Of course it helps if you can make people think she had it coming to her...


  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    This post borrowed from The Conservative Pets Blog...

    "In a week when the Terri Schiavo case reminds God-loving Americans how precious human life has become, it is important to remember that animals face right-life-issues too, yet they are often forgotten...

    California Governaor Arnold Schwarzenegger continues to dissapoint true conservatives, and now wants to ""terminate"" cats to save a measely few dollars... Living up to his ""Terminator"" nickname, he proposed cutting a measly $14 million off California's $15 billion budget shortfall by overturning a law known as the Hayden Act which forces animal shelters to hold stray cats and dogs up to six days before killing them. The current law makes adoption of stray animals a priority over euthanasia, but the Groping Austrian Beast doesn't much care for pets...

    According to the Los Angeles Times, Schwarzenegger would also ""eliminate a requirement that people convicted of animal cruelty be prohibited from owning a pet for three years and be forced to pay for medical care for the animals they have mistreated""...and ""Shelters no longer would be required to search for owners who have embedded microchips in their pets that store addresses and phone numbers.""

    Forget about that consistutional amendment, Arnie! God sees your indifference to his creations, those living breathing pets with the purest of souls....and you won't be elected president, buddy.
    (Source: Democratic Underground Website)"

  2. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Wheather here or there, if these people are guilty, they will see justice. "Justice is mine sayeth the Lord.
