Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Senior officals from KYOTO PROTOCOL nations are gathering in London for a two day conference on so-called "man-made global warming" - global climate change that is SUPPOSEDLY the result of increased emissions of man-made "greehouse gases" due to industrialization and "excessive" use of "fossil" fuels.

Evidence exists that ENTIRELY DISPROVES THIS BUNK. Here it is...

EXHIBIT #1: Hysterical Left-wing Greenies' Make Outrageous Charges -

"Reuters": A photo of Mount Kilimanjaro stripped of its snowcap for the first time in 11,000 years will be used as dramatic testimony for action against global warming as ministers from the world's biggest polluters meet today. Gathering in London on Tuesday for a two-day brainstorming session on the environment agenda of Britain's presidency of the Group of Eight rich nations, the environment and energy ministers from 20 countries will be handed a book containing the stark image of Africa's tallest mountain, among others.

"This is a wake-up call and an unequivocal message that a low-carbon global economy is necessary, achievable and affordable," said Steve Howard of the Climate Group charity which organised the book and an associated exhibition. "We are breaking climate change out of the environment box. This crisis affects all of us. This is a global challenge and we need real leadership to address these major problems -- and these ministers can give that leadership," he told Reuters.

The pictures include one of Kilimanjaro almost bare of its icecap because of global warming, and coastal defences in the Marshall Islands threatened with swamping from rising sea levels.

EXHIBIT #2: REAL Scientists Counter with TRUTH -


... reports of glacial recession on Kilimanjaro first emerged in 2002, the story was quickly picked up and trumpeted as another example of humans destroying nature. It's easy to see why: Ice fields in the tropics—Kilimanjaro lies about 220 miles (350 kilometers) south of the Equator—are particularly susceptible to climate change, and even the slightest temperature fluctuation can have devastating effects.

"There's a tendency for people to take this temperature increase and draw quick conclusions, which is a mistake," said Douglas R. Hardy, a climatologist at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, who monitored Kilimanjaro's glaciers from mountaintop weather stations since 2000. "The real explanations are much more complex. Global warming plays a part, but a variety of factors are really involved."

According to Hardy, forest reduction in the areas surrounding Kilimanjaro, and not global warming, might be the strongest human influence on glacial recession.

"Clearing for agriculture and forest fires—often caused by honey collectors trying to smoke bees out of their hives—have greatly reduced the surrounding forests," he says. The loss of foliage causes less moisture to be pumped into the atmosphere, leading to reduced cloud cover and precipitation and increased solar radiation and glacial evaporation.

Evidence of glacial recession on Kilimanjaro is often dated from 1912, but most scientists believe tropical glaciers began receding as early as the 1850s.

Stefan L. Hastenrath, a professor of atmospheric studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, has found clues in local reports of a dramatic drop in East African lake levels after 1880. Lake evaporation indicates a decrease in precipitation and cloudiness around Kilimanjaro.

"Less cloud coverage lets more sunlight filter through and hit the glaciers," Hastenrath said. "That increase in sunlight then provides more energy for evaporation of the glacier."

Hastenrath found further evidence in sailing expedition reports from the same period. "Ships along the East African coast recorded very fast equatorial winds around 1880," he said. "Just like today, swift westerlies are always linked with drier seasons in East Africa, so it's very likely Kilimanjaro had a dry period around this time."

Along with a higher risk of evaporation, a drop in precipitation also makes for a dark glacial surface, made up of old, dirty snow. A darker glacial surface absorbs more solar radiation than fresh, white snow (like a blacktop playground baking in the sun).

Global warming began to take effect in East Africa by the early 20th century.

(1) The current recession of Mt. Kilimajaro's glacier began a CENTURY BEFORE fossil fuel use became global.

(2) The current recession of Mt. Kilimanjaro's glacier is the result of LOCAL activities which can be addressed locally - and have NOTHING to do with use of fossil fuels in other parts of the world.

(3) The current recession of Mt. Kilimanjaro's glacier is also effected by regional wind current patterns and local cloud cover - and NOT CLIMATIC CHANGES OR GLOBAL WARMING.

(4) The "Greenies" ADMIT that Mt. Kilimanjaro was GLACIER FREE 11,000 YEARS ago; WELL... there were NO SUV's then, and NO man-made "greenhouse gases" to cause this; therefore, asserting that "greenhouse gases" are causing it now is HIGHLY SUSPECT.
THEREFORE: it is OBVIOUS that KYOTO is a COLOSSAL WASTE, a MASSIVE DIVERSION of valuable resources which could be better spent in ways that would more directly and quickly SAVE AND IMPROVE the lives or more people in the Third World who are currently suffering as a result of REAL ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS - like dirty water, and water borne diseases.

Instead of shackling our First World's industrial base (the world's money-making/wealth-generating machine) with WORTHLESS "GREEN" laws, we should be be building water treatment plants in the Third World and begin spraying large areas with DDT.

That is, if we REALLY want to help improve the lives of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people.

I have the feeling the GREENIES relentless and irrational attachment to KYOTO and against "fossil fuels" has more to do with making themselves feel good, than improving the lives of anyone.

More HERE from BJORN LONBORG (and op-ed titled: "Save the world, ignore global warming") and HERE.

UPDATE: Welcome SHAKING SPEARS readers - and if you're not one yet, you should be EVERYDAY!

UPDATE #2: Welcome BETSY'S PAGE readers! As long as you're here, why not check out a few other posts. BY THE WAY: if you're not reading Betsy everday - at least once - then you're missing the best news and commentary round up in the blogosphere.

UPDATE #3 - 3/16: More from Steve Verdon at OUTSIDE THE BELTWAY. GO THERE NOW.


  1. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Verily shall I give'th thee a read
    to see what thou do'th offer for feed
    that might change my creed
    in thought and deed
    can'st thou sow'th a seed?
    -The Lonely Donut Man (LDM)

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I was educated in science (I have an old Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry), and I've got to tell you that this isn't the way science works.

    A theory is not proved or disproved by one study, or one scientist.

    The way it works, for me at least, is that you watch a field and all the studies that appear in it. When something new appears (like the Kilimanjaro thing), you don't take it as more than news. You have to wait and see if it stands. Indeed, you build your belief or dis-belief in a theory out of those studies (hopefully a large set of studies) that stand over time.

    Now, for me, as a scientist (and later engineer in the medical and environmental fields), the global warming argument stands. There is something going on.

    Now that doesn't mean that there is just one way to combat it. I'm sure there are many creative approaches are possible.

    What really kills me though is that so many people waste energy being for or agains Kyoto. Or pretending that we should spend trillions (or not), like that is the only question.

    There are simple solutions, and they are ususally avoided. As an example, BJORN LONBORG is often quoted (in all caps ;-)) by conservatives ... but they seldom note that he doesn't drive a car, and rides a bike to the office.

    Basically they skip his notes about America's inefficient energy use, and pretend that he's telling us to keep on driving SUVs.

    Look a little deeper ...

  3. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Anonymous ...

    "but they seldom note that he doesn't drive a car, and rides a bike to the office."

    And this is important to the overall arguement how? What Mr. Lonborg does personally has nothing to do with his science.

  4. Whitley Strieber at Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country has an update to the book "Superstorm" he co-authored with Art Bell on which the movie "The Day After Tommorow" was made.

    Unfortunately, we are in a time of horrific crisis far beyond anything I imagined when Art Bell and I wrote Superstorm. It is so much worse than I expected then that I almost can't believe what I am seeing. We are well into a sudden climate change situation, but it may not be the one that we envisioned in Superstorm.

    I thought of him today for two reasons. He claims Mount Kilamanjaro losing its snow cover is one more piece of evidence for global warming. Today, however Betsy's Page credits The Astute Blogger for presenting other ecidence besides global warming for the disappearance. The second reason, while reading my feeds from Bloglines, I discovered Kevin Kelly at Cool Tools has a tool for sale that helps you build Igloos. Called the Iceblox, it sells for $176. Might be just the thing we should get on the net and order. Mover Mike

  5. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Mr Lomborg rides a bicycle, and has never owned a car.

    I just find it amusing when people use him to defend the big, fat, SUV lifestyle.

    I think you do a similar pick-and-choose when you cite the National Geographic, but just on Kilimanjaro.

    What is the National Geographic's position on global warming overall?

  6. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Mr Lomborg rides a bicycle, and has never owned a car.

    I just find it amusing when people use him to defend the big, fat, SUV lifestyle.

    I think you do a similar pick-and-choose when you cite the National Geographic, but just on Kilimanjaro.

    What is the National Geographic's position on global warming overall?

  7. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Sorry about the double.

  8. "A photo of Mount Kilimanjaro stripped of its snowcap for the first time in 11,000 years"??

    This came up about a year ago, and someone posted pictures of K with barely-visible snow taken circa 1926, I think copied from an old NatGeo...

    Amazing that during the warming Forties through Nineties it built up to an impressive amount, isn't it?

  9. The Ntl. Geo. article tells us that local factors may be more important than global warming in explaining Kilimanjaro's melting cap.

    The obvious conclusion to draw: "it is OBVIOUS that KYOTO is a COLOSSAL WASTE"

    See, the extensive use of caps made me miss that THAT'S a BIZARRE conclusion TO DRAW.

  10. if ALL CAPS are so SILLY and USELESS why do so many EFFETE PRIGS complain when CAPS are used!?

    I guess they draw ATTENTION.

    Like ITALICS.

    HEY GENIUS: tell me why no one in the blgosphere makes fum of ITALICS?

    BTW: You are an ass.

  11. Anonymous10:49 PM

    May God forgive you.

  12. Anonymous10:52 PM

    The earth is not a "liberal" or "conservative" issue. It is a human issue. How rich will our nation be after we have completely contaminated the air and poisoned our foods? I ask you these things because you so seemingly insult the "greenies", but do you not breath air? Do you not eat?

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