Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Jihadofascist Website Threatens Missile Attack Against Jets at JFK Airport

By Lisa Myers & the NBC investigative unit
NEW YORK - A Web site with connections to the Iraqi insurgency posted a schematic map of JFK International Airport in New York City, along with a manual on how to use shoulder-fired missiles. ... NBC News obtained the information showing potential terrorists how to down civilian airplanes by using the missiles. The Internet posting also contained a simple map of JFK Airport, plotting flight paths of planes and the security perimeter. The Web site also showed a sketch of a terrorist shooting a missile at a plane from a rooftop. New York officials say they take this seriously and have alerted security at the airport. The FBI is still analyzing the information, but terrorism experts tell us there's no suggestion this poses any immediate threat.
Immediate threat: no. IMMINENT THREAT!?!?! Possibly. Gulp.

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