Wednesday, March 09, 2005


And Iran PROVES that the Bush Doctrine is CORRECT!

HOW? WHY? Because, IF Iran had a REAL democracy, then the mullahs would be THROWN OUT - (or maybe even HUNG FROM LAMPOSTS!).

Most people EVERYWHERE want liberty and prosperity and peace and the rule of law - as enforced by consensually elected representatives.

When elected officials fail to deliver the goods, when their people suffer: they get tossed from office.

The neojihadist mullahs in Iran are no better than that Confucionary Stalinist in North Korea: they all squash their people under suffocating tyranny as they squander their people's wealth on international terror and WMD programs.

Most of the Iranian and Syrian and North Korean people - who are no different than you or me - want to end their suffering and end the tyranny which is its cause. And we should help them: because they are our brothers and sisters (and deserve freedom as much as we do), and because it will make us safer. When they are free and democratic they will focus on improving their own lives and on holding their own leaders to account - directly. They won't need to mess with us.

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