Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Chavez - favorite of Castro, Carter, Khatami and Chirac - has started to steal private property in Venezuela:

("Reuters") - Venezuelan on Tuesday defended a plan to seize land from four private farms, including a UK-owned ranch and an eco-tourism reserve, after critics warned the move was illegal and would undermine investor confidence. The government said this week it would confiscate parts of the four farms under left-winger President Hugo Chavez's agrarian reforms to redistribute rural land to the poor.

(VOA) - Venezuelan authorities have said they will redistribute more than 110,000 hectares of privately-held property to landless farmers.

Mugabe of Zimbabwe tried this - and transformed his country from a food exporting nation - the "bread-basket of Africa" - into a starving basketcase! These policies didn't work any better in China or Russia, or any where else they've been tried.

Venezuela tried to overthrow Chavez and have its own "Orange Revolution" a while ago - but then had a referrendum - which Chavez "won" and Carter certified; (Chavez stole'n lied, then Carter swore to it); in fact, though, Chavez no more won that election than Yanukovich won in Ukraine! Thanks Jimmy!

Only after tryrannical Leftists like Mugabe and Castro and Chavez and Kim and Assad and Khatami are thrown out of office will their people's lives improve!

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