Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Abbas and Russia go way back:

Abbas went to college in Moscow - getting a degree in anti-Zionism; he earned his Ph.D. in history from Moscow's Oriental College. His doctoral thesis denies that six million Jews died in World War II). Abbas also speaks Russian and like Arafat was probably a longtime KGB agent. Putin was also a lifelong KGB agent before being made VP by Yeltsin.

Well, Abbas was just in Moscow where he held meetings in with former KGB agent Putin. Here's what Abbas said: “There is no doubt Russia’s presence on our side, our co-operation on a bilateral basis, its role in the mediating quartet will be decisive in establishing peace in the Middle East,” [according to] Itar-Tass.

IMHO: Putin will have about as good an effect on "the Arab side" and on Israeli-Arab relations as he did in on democracy in Ukriane.

By aligning himself with Putin, Abbas proves he STILL deserves to be treated very VERY skeptically: only if-and-when and as he takes ACTIONS against jihaoterrorists can he be regarded as a partner for peace.

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